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"Tell me something about yourself." I finally said to him after a while. The music that was playing could only entertain me for so long and no more.

"My name is Terrance and I live next door to a girl named Amanda." He stated as he continued to rub the cloth over the car.

"Ha, ha very funny, but I meant something you haven't told me before or that's not obvious," I replied rolling my eyes.

I watched as the dirty water ran down the pavement at the back of his house along with the soap suds.

He was moving fast and the car was already almost completely covered in sud.

"I don't know, ask me a question." He said as he occasionally looked over at me.

"Humm, how did you know about the cliff yesterday?." I asked, it had run threw my mind a couple of times how he had known about that place and I'm sure the gaps hadn't shown it.

"I have a family place close to there. One day I'll show it to you." He said

"But I thought you only recently moved here,"  I stated

"I did, but I've been here before a few years back. I'd come here to visit family and family friends and of course stay at the family house now and then." He replied

"How did you discover it ?." I asked about the cliff once more, I watched as he paused for a while then turned around to face me.

"I'd come for a family visit to the house, almost everyone was there." He said and paused as if reliving the memory of what happened.

"I got so angry and ended up going for a drive." He finished saying then continued washing the car.

" Why did you get upset?." I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"When your younger you support your family with anything they say or do, but as you get older and start to understand situations better you start finding flaws in things they do and say." He explained but it was obvious that he was leaving out a lot.

What could have happened for him to want to be away from his family?. But I wasn't going to get nosy, if he wanted to tell me then he would have had done so.

"What about you?." He questioned back.

"What about me ?" I asked

"Tell me something about your family." He said as he continued to work.

I've never liked talking about them they weren't really the best persons in my life, especially since Anellea.

"Theirs really nothing much to know about them, everything in my family is a competition, they constantly try to outrank each other, no matter what. They aren't nice people to be around all at once mostly one at a time." I replied

"Well here's to having messed up families." He laughed causing me to smile. I liked this side of Terrance, he's mostly serious on the outside but it was obvious that he was a big sweetheart In my view that is of course and I was great full to be uncovering this side of him. Maybe I had nothing to worry about after all.

"Can you turn on the hose for me?." He asked as he pointed over to a pipe where the hose was connected to.

"Sure." I quickly jumped up and walked over to it ready to turn the top.

"Ready?." I asked as I placed my hand on the top to turn it.

"Yea." He confirmed

I turned the top but I couldn't hear any water pressure.

"Did you turn it on?." He questioned still holding the hose towards the car.

"Yea, I did," I answered, maybe something was wrong with the pipe.

"Turn the tap until it can't be turned anymore." He said, I did what I was told but still nothing.

I watched as he shook it a bit then looked into the hose weirdly when suddenly a full force to water attacked him, causing him to drop the hose in fright.

The shock was written all over his now wet face for a little while.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He was soaked and his shirt was now sticking to his body giving me a nice outline of his chest. Not that I was complaining of course.

But the look on his face was priceless causing me to bend over clutching my stomach while laughing.

The sudden feeling of cold water suddenly hitting my skin caused me to scream and run around a little.

Terrance was spraying me with the hose and our roles were now reversed. He was laughing at me and I was running around as he sprayed me.

I ran towards him and grabbed the hose out of his hand and directed it towards him.

We were both a laughing mess, he held up his hands trying to use them to block the water that I was spraying him with.

I wasn't expecting what he did next.

He ran after me and lifted me up causing me to squeal and drop the hose.

He placed me down on the trunk of his car while I laughed insanely.

My laughter died down into chuckles as I started to notice how close he was to me. He was standing in front of me with his hands on both my sides on the car trapping me in.

We were both completely soaked. I watched as water droplets dripped from his hair and ran down his face, from his eyelashes, down his cheeks, down his nose and down his lips.

Not of mention how his thin t-shirt stuck to his body outlining his chest and abdomen.

I watched as he slowly leaned in towards me.

"You know we've only officially kissed once." He said to me when he was only less than a centimetre away from me.

I could feel his breath on my skin and I wanted him to kiss me so badly. If this wasn't a moment then I don't know what was.

I was searching his eyes as he looked from my eyes to my lips, I felt my lips partially open and that was enough for him to claim my lips.

My hands moved to his neck and his was now placed on the curve of my hips.

I removed one of my hand from his neck and ran it threw his hair and tugged a little. I just couldn't resist.

I loved the way his touch felt, I loved the way how he was drowning me with his presence, it made me feel like there was nothing wrong in this world and I loved the way he left me speechless.

It made me feel as if nothing else in the world really mattered like we were living a movie that was playing in slow motion.

Woop, Woop, one more cute scene.

I personally love this one, what're your thoughts on it?


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