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Any confusions?
Anything you want to be cleared up?

Any questions? 
Just comment it and I'll clear your confusion😊😉😆😁.

I sat awkwardly as he drove, every now and then I glimpsed over at him.

He was focused on the road as the radio played softly in the background playing occasional advertisements and songs.

"You've had this car all along ?." I decided to ask.

"Yes and no."

"My aunt wanted me to get used to my way to and from school before my car was shipped from England." He stated.

"It arrived yesterday." He stated again.

"Ho," I responded not really having anything else to say.

Recently every time I'm around Terrance my mind keeps on telling me crazy things that I should do.
Like today when he was standing behind me my mind was telling me to lean back against him to see what he would have done.

But then again what were we? , I mean we kissed basically one time and he kissed me on my cheek once.

But what were we ?.

I know that if someone was telling me this I would tell that person to just ask. But being in the actual position of doing so is way different than telling someone to just do it.

I mean what if it was just a mutual thing to do, I mean we did kiss, but what if it was just an experiment, or maybe we were in the process of dating.

I mean we did go on dates, the carnival and days at the park totally count as dates. Right?.

Plus he was driving me home, so I guess we're in the process of dating.

We were totally in the process of dating, my mind confirmed.

But I knew what this was, maybe this was me trying to come up with every single possibility that contributed to what I wanted and what I wanted by now was almost very very clear in my head.

It was no lie that I was drawn to Terrance but was it enough? , maybe he'll be gone soon or it will be over and I won't have to deal with these complications again. But what will I do when the next person comes along.

I came out of my thoughts when the car made a stop, I looked out up off the road and threw the window, we were at a small cafe.

"Why are we here?." I asked

"For a treat." He stated as he stepped out, after seeing that I wasn't going to exit he came over and opened my door for me.
"I don't have enough money for a treat," I stated

"I wasn't going to let you pay anyways, Come on." He replied, but I really didn't want to.

"You go home every single day at the very same time, a few minutes later than normal surely won't hurt." He stated once more as he leaned on his car door waiting for me to step out.

I dragged the dress down a little as I thought about if I should really go.

"Oh come on, you look fine." He said in disbelief as he took hold of my hand.

"Last chance or I'm carrying you in ." He stated as he pulled a little on my hand causing me to give in.

I exhaled loudly as I stepped out and he closed the door behind me.

We walked inside still hand in hand, but who's complaining. The sweet smell of baked pastries surrounded me as
we walked to the counter and ordered, then walked to a seat in the cafe when we were served.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now