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I'm sorry guys but I'm super busy with school, I try to find time for my writing but it's super difficult.

"I'm thinking about dying my hair," I told him as he pulled my curls out of a small messy bun I had made at the top of my head.

"Why?." He asked as he twirled a curled patch of my black African American hair around his fingers.

"I don't know maybe I just want to have the same hair colour as you do, or similar to yours."

"I like your hair." He responded as he continued to play in it.

"Plus my hair is naturally like this." He added causing me to roll my eyes.

We were currently in my room, he sat up on my bed and I laid my head on his lap allowing him to mess around with my hair.

It was an extraordinary feeling when he fiddled with my hair or ran his fingers threw it.

I felt like I was in one of those moments again. A moment that was moving way faster than I would want to.

We've been hanging out so much lately, I especially love when we study together or just sit and chill.

I love how we interact naturally like we've known each other for years.

We still try to keep our relationship a secret but we don't try that hard anymore. Of course, we try hard when it comes to my mother, I can just imagine all the trouble I would be in if she came home and saw Terrance in my room. She would literally go nuts but recently I've been in a mood where I just want to show him off as mine without a care in the world but unfortunately, I can't do that.

"I think it's time you got a hair, cut," I said after a while as I stretched up to touch his hair.

"I did get one, remember?." He asked which I do remember. He had trimmed up the edges a bit, but surely that didn't count, I hardly even spotted the difference when he got that done.

I've found out so much more things about Terrance, like how he likes when I style my hair, what he likes seeing me in and stuff like that.

"That surely didn't count," I replied.

"But I thought you liked my hair." He stated as he tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ears and stopped playing in it almost causing me to pout.

"I do like it," I replied as I sat up now facing him.

"I just don't like how I'm not able to see half of your face anymore," I said laughing as I pushed his hair back.

"So you want me to go bald?." He questioned with the rise of an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that," I said gaping a bit with slightly wide eyes at the thought of Terrance being bald, I think I would cry if he decided to go bald.

"I'm just flustering you." He said pulling me down on him with a smile.

Sometimes he stayed until I fall asleep but would always be gone in the mornings, even when we stay up late watching cartoons or movies on my laptop, he's there when I fall asleep but gone when I'm awake.

I know he can't stay but deep down I want him to, I want to know how it feels to wake up next to him but I won't bite more than I can chew even though I'm feeling really greedy.

Sometimes thinking about Terrance and I just seems so unreal. I mean I have a secret boyfriend that hardly anyone knows about, no wonder it feels like such a dream at times.

Sorry if the chapter gets shorter, the book is slowly coming to an end and I want y'all to understand, but I haven't got much time on my hands these days for writing.





He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now