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*screaming*. I had the greatest idea for the second to last or even last chapter of this book today.

Y'all are gonna love it. Stay tuned .......

Unfortunately, we had to continue going to classes for the rest of the day.

Thankfully Jazz had a jeans body dress in her locker. She said that her Aunt bought it for her but, her boyfriend James the godliest person ever when it comes to her considered the dress to be too revealing in a way, so he had convinced her to return it to the store her aunt had bought it from.

I for one thought the dress was amazing a little too tight for me and not really my style but amazing none the less.

Plus I think James was just afraid of Jazz showing off her body, but it wasn't like anyone could say anything to her anyway.

I wonder where James was.

I knew that what I did to Cristina was wrong but I think everyone had to admit that she was asking for it.

But I should have been the better person and just walked away, I mean that was something I always did.
But then again maybe I wouldn't have had an encounter with Terrance if all that didn't happen. So maybe in a way it was worth it.
I wonder what kind of power Terrance has or his family has to make the principal of our school afraid.

The school bell indicated that school was now over. At least I understood all that was thought in my last class of the day.

I was packing up my stuff while some of my classmates were already out the door and the teacher was trying to say as much as she possibly could before everyone exited the room.

Today had been such a hectic day for me and even though I tried to get rid of the smell and sticky feeling of the drink I still felt a little uncomfortable. Not to mention that dresses are not my thing.

Never have been, never will be even if it did make me feel a bit flawless.

I placed one strap of my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom as I pull the dress down a bit.

I was in the body of the jeans dress Jazz gave me and my white sneakers from this morning.

I instantly spotted Terrance leaning on the wall across from where I was.

He was in a long sleeve grey shirt with the sleeves pushed up all the way above his elbow.

His head was rested back on the wall with his hands in his pockets.

As if feeling my eyes on him, he looked down and over at me.

I walked across over to him, he eased up off the wall when I neared and stood straight.

"The bus will be here in about fifteen minutes or less," I told him as I looked down at my watch then started to walk towards the school doors.

I didn't travel on the school bus and thankfully neither did Terrance so, to be honest, I was kinda happy on seeing that he travelled on the public bus too on his first week here and continued to.

I didn't look behind me to see if he was following, in a way I knew he was.

"How did you even get to school this morning?." I asked as I exited the school doors, remembering that I hadn't travelled with him on the bus this morning and there were only two busses that travelled in our direction at a reasonable time in the mornings.

I stopped walking and looked over at him.

"Did you walk?." I asked as he pushed his shirt sleeves up since they were slowly coming down.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now