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I knocked three times and waited for the door to be answered.

The door opened revealing a teenage girl. She looked a bit older than me, she had on a full face of makeup which was done to perfection and long straight brown hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Her lipstick was pink and her dangled earrings were a bit too much.

"Medium-sized pizza delivery," I said as I popped my gum and shift my weight on one foot.

"Hummmm, are you new ? what happened to Nick?." She asked as she gestured for me to come inside her house.

I assumed Nick was the guy we took the pizza from.
"He was called in to make another order." I lied quickly as I looked around the room.

"Place it there." She said as she pointed to a small table then shouted: "pizza's here!!" Very loudly might I add threw out the house causing my heart to beat a little faster.

What was I supposed to do now ?, I hadn't planned on this talking so long, I hadn't even thought that I'd be in there house at all but here I was standing in there living room.

I watched as she checked her pockets,
"Hold on I'll be back, I left my purse in the other room." She said as she quickly walked into the next room.

I stood their awkwardly as I looked around waiting for her to come back, this is honestly the most uncomfortable I've felt in months.

"I don't know why you even bother just forget about her, she's obviously ignoring you. What type of daughter ignores their own father."
I heard a female voice say as someone appeared and was now walking down the stairs.

"How can you even say that she's still my blood." I heard a man's voice reply and I knew exactly who it was.

I was indeed in the right house.

"Lola! , how many times am I going to tell you not to let strangers in the house." She shouted as she stepped down the steps.
I could basically feel her eyes boring threw the top of the hat I had on then my whole body as she scanned me with her eyes.

"I can't find my purse." Lola came back complaining. I had held my head low so that the hat had hidden my face.

"That's ok I'll pay." My father said.

I heard his footsteps come closer, he was surely going to figure it out.

"How much is it?." He asked as I glimpsed him taking money out of his pocket.

"Four ninety - nine" Lola stated.

"Here." My father said to me.

Well, he was definitely going to figure out who I was now. This is it, there was nothing else I could do to hide who I was from him.

At some point, I'd swallowed my gum and I hadn't even noticed.

I slowly looked up at him. I was now facing him, we were staring at each other directly.

I raised up my hand and took the pizza money out of his, he stood there frozen in place, the shock was written all over his face.

It was obvious from the way his eyes had opened wide and his mouth partially fell open, he was speechless.

"Amanda?." He asked unbelievably.

"Hi, Dad," I replied to him as I placed the money in my pocket.

"A teacher took my phone by the way," I said as I glimpsed over at the evil woman who was obviously trying to turn my father against me.

Obviously, it was a lie, I had my phone on me but it was a good lie. My phone was on silent in my back pocket and it couldn't be seen because Terrance jacket was really long.

"What are you doing here?." He asked still a bit in shock, he was obviously still speechless towards my unexpected arrival.

I taped the hat on my head with the pizza place logo on it.

"Delivery," I answered

"But it's nice to see that you're already trying to turn my father against me. How nice of you." I said to the wicked woman who stood to look at me with mixed emotions, none of which looked pleasant, not even a bit. She looked a bit thinker now that I was really looking at her, brown hair and brown eyes.

I looked around the room once more before deciding that it was time for me to leave.

I walked past my father, heading towards their front door. My work here was done. I saw what I knew but was still afraid of seeing.

I had found out what I wanted to confirm.

"Here Amanda take this." He said as he pulled out some money out of his pocket and stretched it in my direction.

I'd always thought that my father was a decent man. But seeing this now, seeing that he was trying to give me money.

I could see it in his eyes, he thought that by giving me this everything would be ok, but it didn't. Seeing that he had replaced my mother hurt but seeing that he might have also replaced me stung even harder.

I looked down at the money in his hand then up at him unbelievably. Now don't get me wrong if he was handing me a black card I would have definitely taken it but what was this lose change he was giving me able to do?.

"It was nice seeing you dad, I'm glad your happy," I said as I turned my back and walked threw their doors.

"Amanda!." He called but I didn't look back.

"Enjoy your food," I called out to him but I didn't look back I just kept on walking.

"Amanda come back here."

The only reason I had taken the four dollars from him was that I wanted it to look believable that I was actually there to deliver a pizza.

I was kinda glad that my father was not with us anymore because ever since he's been gone I've had so much free time and I'm even able to spend days with Terrance and have fun. Things I wouldn't be able to do if he was with us still, he would have noticed already he always notices those things.

But on the other hand, it hurts me to know that after our family had been threw so much that he would go and leave us now, just like that.

When our family was almost finally finished picking up our broken pieces. At this point he should have just left when Anellea died, maybe that would have been better.

But I guess it's like they say, you can fix a broken mirror by putting its pieces back together but you'll always be able to see the cracks in the reflection.


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now