𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆

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Yeah, yeah. Let's see if I can finish this... I'm only writing this for my love of Lapidot and to practice writing for a novel I plan on publishing. (YO I FINISHED IT SUCKAAAS!)

Please give this a chance, I know this introduction is a bit boring right now but most introductions are. It gets interesting. I SWEAR.

Oh, and plus I don't own the cover, Shityuuki on DeviantArt does. Kibou-dere on Tumblr owns this chapter picture.

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Lapis stalked back to her dorm, keeping to herself. Her demeanor seemed confident, as if she didn't care about a thing in the world. As if the world was her toy in her grasp and she could order whatever she wanted or crush it if she did intendedly.

It was a short afternoon after her last class of this cursed Tuesday. She just wanted this week to be over already. The weekend tasted so delicious on her tongue, but the craving will be satisfied eventually. For now, she just wanted to sketch on her bed and drink a warm cup of coffee.

A brisk gust of air blew through her faded blue hair. It was the middle of Autumn. The colorful leaves were falling from the tall birch trees and crunching under her feet. Pumpkins scattered the campus and decorations hung from the brick buildings. Halloween was just a week away and all she wanted to do was stuff her mouth with candy and watch movies alone.

She stomped on the brittle orange and brown leaves. Lapis hated holidays. The memories she had throughout her life were not fond and she did not wish to bring up any of the distant thoughts that she shoved in the back of her head. She will make new memories alone and there will be no one there to ruin them.

Without acknowledging anyone in the hallways, she made it to her dorm. Her roommate was already there, typing away on her computer, most likely doing homework. The blonde didn't glance her direction, she seemed in a trance from her screen.

Lapis paid no mind to her dorm partner not giving her a greeting. She only met her a few weeks ago, but they didn't really care nor know much about each other. They've had short conversations now and again but nothing she would really remember. Lapis didn't want to change it, however, she liked to think that she herself enjoyed being alone.

The girl plopped down on her bed after throwing her backpack aside. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through the endless posts from the internet. She wanted to find inspiration for her next piece for her Portrait Painting class.

After several minutes of scrolling, she sighed. The prompt was to paint someone you adored and to write an essay on it. Lapis didn't really have anybody to love. She was an orphan and never had a parent to care for her. Sure, she won a full ride scholarship for not being the normal teenager and she was grateful for it but she would've rather have a loving family than not paying thousands of dollars for schooling.

She figured she could just paint a picture of herself, but she didn't want to come off as conceded. Even if that wasn't what she was worried about, she didn't like who she was. Painting herself would set a flame in her insecurities that she bottled up inside her. Always in her negative thoughts while creating a vision of herself seemed very vulnerable to her and she did wanted to be anything but that. She will show no one how delicate she really was.

Lapis picked up her sketchbook and a pencil from inside her book bag and began to doodle on a blank page. Who did she truly admire?

An hour passed, now, and the continuation of the typing was growing an ever growing pit of annoyance inside Lapis. The silence screamed into her ears, making her eardrums numb. She huffed, snatched her earphones from her nightstand, and set herself up to listen to anything other than this silent catastrophe.

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