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The harsh Sunday sun blinded Peridot that morning. Placing a hand over her eyes to shield her from the damned light, her head began to pound. She must have drank too much last night. She mentally kicked herself, cursing that she didn't use the knowledge of not drinking on an empty stomach and not flushing out the drinks with water. How could she be so stupid?

Peridot looked over to the bed on her right, wondering how Lapis was holding up but it was empty. Taking deep breaths, she sat up and noticed she was naked. She gasped and covered herself, imagining all of the possibilities of why she didn't have any clothes on. Glancing at the bathroom door, she noticed it was opened with the light off signalling that no one was in the room.

What happened last night?

Peridot tried to back track her night as she trudged to get a water bottle. Her throat was dry and begging to be quenched and she knew the water would clear up her hazy head.

I wore a fucking bunny costume... Drank... Almost was a witness to a sloppy make out session... Lapis hugged me... With that thought, Peridot ghosted a smile. We drank... We danced... Oh my stars.

Peridot remembered how Lapis was grinding on top of her and how she reacted. She regretted how she snapped but that didn't make Lapis any less guilty. She manipulated Peridot, played with her feelings and teased her. She didn't want to stop being her friend, but it could be that they didn't have the right chemistry for this friendship.

Peridot sighed, took a cold shower, and got dressed. She didn't know what to do. She tried to recall what she had said to her before she left. Something about someone loving her.

Peridot bunched her fists as she left the room, knowing she was with Jasper. Was she okay? Was she hurt? She felt her heart wrench at the realization that she didn't come home that night. Is she alright? Did they... hook up?

She didn't know where she was headed and stopped in the middle of the hallway, holding her head. Turning around, she figured she would go get breakfast to try to calm her clogged head.

Worry flooded Peridots body. She couldn't do anything but wonder right now. She wanted to apologize to the girl and show her that she could comfort her better than Jasper ever could. She wanted to make her smile and never hurt her. The last time they argued was over going to the party together and they hadn't talked again till the actual party. Peridot furrowed her eyebrows at the thought, she didn't want to wait that long to talk again after something so ridiculous.

After ordering her brunch and holding her head from all the chatter, she picked at her food at a lonesome table. Lapis only did all of that last night to make fun of her and to embarrass her. She only meant to hurt her feelings and get a rise out of her. She meant nothing by those actions, nothing but humiliation.

A person sat down across from Peridot and she rose her suffocating head to see who it was. Garnet sat there with a pair of shades covering her eyes from the bright windows. Peridot wished she would've thought of wearing sunglasses to help her with the hangover but she didn't have any.

"You should try talking to her." Garnet said after a few moments of silence.

"Why? She should be the one apologizing to me." Peridot stabbed her styrofoam tray with her plastic fork. She wanted to talk about last night with Lapis but she wouldn't know how to bring up the conversation or how to apologize from the small argue they had.

"She seemed to really like you." Garnet spoke in her British accent. She was an international student from England but Peridot had no idea why she came to this specific college or what Garnet wanted to pursue.

"We weren't even a hundred percent friends yet for her to be doing that. What she did humiliated me." Peridot scrunched her nose and dug another poke into her tray.

"Alcohol makes you do things you don't mean. I don't think she meant to hurt you."

Peridot knew from experience that being drunk made you do stupid actions. One time, she got so drunk she tried kissing Amy, who in turn, was going to kiss back until Pearl pulled her away. She didn't like Amy romantically, she never has. Peridot just wanted to, drunkenly, comfort her friend who had been depressed at the time.

"I know that!" Peridot said loudly and flinched at the pain she caused in her head. She let out a small groan and held her forehead. She sighed, "You don't even know her, Garnet."

Garnet readjusted her sunglasses. "I'm majoring in Phycology. I study people and their actions to figure out a way to help them. I can predict and assume their next course of action based on their personality and past."

Peridot rubbed her head, staring at the large woman before her. "But she was drunk."

"Yes," Garnet smirked, "But I also have her in one of my classes."

The blonde perked up. Garnet knew Lapis. She knew how she would act and possibly why. Peridot didn't know how accurate phycology was but that didn't keep her from getting her hopes up.

"Do you think... she's sorry?"

In response, Garnet raised an eyebrow and bit into her breakfast sandwich. "Lapis is always tense. I haven't seen her so at ease until she was with you last night. Being drunk makes you do stupid things, yes, but it also heightens emotions."

Peridot stared at her, quizzically. Her shoulders were hunched over and she motioned with her hand for her to continue.

"What I'm trying to say is that," Garnet said, "You should talk to her about how you feel. From what I've seen, you might be her only friend and I wouldn't think she'd want to loose that."

Garnet might be right. Peridot has never seen Lapis with anybody other than Jasper and even that relationship wasn't healthy. She never brought over friends and almost always was in the dorm. She never got a call on the phone that she seemed to enjoy nor laughed if she ever got a text. Lapis tended to avoid people, for some reason.

But she was with Jasper right now, most likely. It was already the afternoon and there were no sign of her limping in the hallway or eating her cheap Ramen cups. It wasn't like Peridot could call or text the girl, she didn't have her cellphone number and she didn't think anybody else did either.

Having friends was nice in a situation like this. Peridot usually didn't express her personal problems or what she was going through, but whenever they found out and helped, well, it helped. Lapis needed that, she needed to empty her bottled up emotions Peridot knew she had. She wanted to get closer to the girl and help her through it like friends did.

Peridot gave a warm smile towards the tanned girl sitting across from her. "Thanks, Garnet. I appreciate it."

In return, she gave a thumbs up and they continued eating. Peridot kept thinking of how she should go about the conversation, how she should start it and how not to offend her in any sort of prick way Peridot usually did. She believed she wasn't good at this whole 'friend' thing, but for a person who really needed one (especially being her roommate) Peridot would try her best.

Peridot was going to be Lapis Lazuli's friend.

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(Words: 1285)

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