𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅

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Peridot watched as the blue mess in the next bed slept. When Lapis entered the room, Peridot couldn't help but feel remorse. It wasn't her fault of Jasper's rage or Lapis's position, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Pausing her writing task, she got up and made her way to the bathroom. She opened the medicine cabinet, grabbed the bottle she was looking for, and placed it on Lapis's tiny nightstand.

When she tried looking for the bottles of water, she realized she chugged the last one today after almost missing her next class. She sighed and gathered her belongings, double-checking to make sure she had her key, and left the apartment.

She hurried to the on-campus 'convenient store'. Peridot would've much rather drive towards the Dollar Store to gather cheap necessities than pay more than double for her needs.

As Peridot opened the door, she made her way to the refreshments and bought a case of water. The bulk was heavy, but she handled it well.

"Yo, Peri-Dactoyl!" Roared a raspy voice.

The nickname made Peridot roll her eyes. "Hey, Amy."

With a hard clap on the back, Amy grinned. "How you doing, Peridot? I haven't seen you in a while."

"You know, the usual." She replied, setting her eyes on the her fellow short friend. Amy's eyes were round and dark, always having a glint of mischief hidden inside. Her platinum blonde hair had a silver shift to it, making it look slightly metallic. Her skin was a dark mocha, contrasting well with her locks.

"Well, I'm glad I ran into you, dude." The grin never left Amy's face. "I'm having a party this weekend and I expect to see you there this time."

Peridot snorted, "Amy, you know I don't do parties."

"But, Peridot," She whined, "Halloween is this weekend!"

The girl rolled her eyes at the immaturity. Peridot was never interested in parties. She could count all of the parties she's attended on one hand. All of those times, she just rested on the couch, annoyed by the booming music vibrating against the walls and her drunk classmates vomiting and grinding against each other.


"So," Amy started, flicking a strand of hair from her face and narrowing her eyes, "You need a break, you've done too much stressing about work. Halloween is a sexy and spooky holiday! You need to relax and have a drink. Plus, you haven't been to one of my parties in a while. I'm starting to believe you hate me."

Peridot raised an eyebrow, "No, you don't."

Amy smirked and waved, starting to walk off. "Great. It's a costume party! Make sure to dress up or else I'll get you hammered."

Peridot furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. Amy must have taken her response as affirmative due to her not disagreeing to everything she had said.

A party did seem like a good way to forget about all of the tests and projects that have been assigned but she didn't think it was a good idea for Peridot. Relaxing for her meant watching her favorite show or perfecting her computer softwares, not heart pounding parties.

Making it back to her room, she opened the case of water and began to stuff some into the miniature fridge she had bought. She made sure to place one on top of Lapis's nightstand next to her pill bottle.

Sitting back onto her bed, she continued to type her ridiculous essay until her eyes started to burn.

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Light found it's way through the cracks of the blinds, illuminating the room in a soft white hue. Lapis felt her body heavy against the spring-box of a bed. Her head pounded and it was hard to breathe. Letting out a pained moan, she clutched her side and readjusted herself so she wasn't face first into the pillow.

After relaxing as best as she could, she looked across the room to find an empty but made bed. Peridot must've went to her classes for the day. Lapis blinked and raised her head to look at the clock next to her bed and realized she missed her first two classes of the day. She shrugged it off, believing she had a perfect excuse no one could know.

Lapis's breathing hitched as she noticed that there was also a bottle of water and prescription drugs on her nightstand. She didn't put those there last night, she went straight to bed after coming home.

She slowly sat up, groaning at the numbing pain throughout her body. She was surprised she still had some of the pain killers left. Jasper smuggled them from a drug dealer after the first few of his beatings, back when he was apologetic of his actions.

Silently thanking that she didn't have to trudge over to the bathroom to get the pills herself, Lapis took them. Did her roommate do this? Why? She laid back down onto the bed and groaned.

Peridot must have known about all of the times she's come home and have taken the drugs. How else could she have known that she had these? The bottle didn't exactly have a name stating what they were. Lapis closed her eyes and wondered what else Peridot knew.

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Whoop whoop! Yep, Amy is Amethyst because we can't all have gem names! I hope you're all enjoying this book so far and are intrigued.

Art by VandaJ95 on DeviantArt.

(880 Words)

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