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I decided to post this before I started work. Surprise me with sweet nothings about my story to read when I get out?

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The once beautiful sunset had now turned to dusk and Lapis sat there in a local diners booth watching it. She couldn't remember the last time she had experienced the display of colors the sky had preformed but all she could imagine was the time Peridot had rambled about outer space under the glorious orange and pinks.

She wished she could hear her nasally voice again and rant about something she was passionate about but it was ridiculous to want that. She would probably never escape from Jasper if she didn't do something herself. It didn't seem like any of the police were doing their job. That, or it was difficult to find her with them being in a different state.

Her eyes teared from the window and scanned around the restraunt, pausing at the ladies restroom.

While fidgeting with her paper napkin, she noticed a woman open the door and had quickly asked Jasper permission to go to the restroom to which he sighed and grumbled about the place not having a family restroom. He kept his glare on the slim girl as she entered the females bathroom.

Seeing the woman who had entered the room fixing her blonde hair, Lapis politely and quickly asked, "May I please use your phone?"

The lady gave her a once over, as if contemplating if she was a threat. Lapis didn't even try to smile, she physically couldn't, but mustered a small and pathetic beg. This lady was her only hope. She didn't think she'd have a 'next time' to have a small opportunity like this again.

Once handed the mobile phone, Lapis immediately started dialing the phone number she had easily remembered when first given to her and thanked her profusely. After a few rings, a groggy voice answered.

"Peridot?" Lapis whispered into the phone, hoping Jasper wasn't outside the door to hear what she was doing.

"Yes?" She hesitantly answered. "Who is this?"

Before answering her question, Lapis then asked the lady where exactly she was to which she confusedly replied.

"Peri, I-" Lapis started.

"Lapis!" Peridot cried in worried glee. Her tone sent a shock of happiness through her body that would soon be torn away. Tears formed in her ocean blue eyes and she whimpered. She needed to keep this short and simple, she couldn't stay here for too long.

"I miss you." Lapis choked. "I'm in Maine. Come find me."

And without another word, she hung up and handed the phone back to the lady and thanked her again before going back out to her abductor who would surely barge in if she took too long.

She wiped her tears from her eyes before she made it back to the table. Holding her cheek while Jasper ate his appetizer, Lapis pondered over the thought of why her fingers pressed Peridots number instead of 911. It would've been the best thing to do. Was it because she wanted to hear her voice and feel happy again?

Lapis pondered, Why was Peridot so excited to hear from me? Had she been worried about me? No, no, that couldn't be it. Could it? If so, why?

She didn't notice she closed her eyes and ran her thumb over her cheek, imagining Peridots comforting touch until their food plopped down on the table. She silently thanked the waitress and began to savor the taste of the hot soup she had ordered.

Would she come and look for me? Or had that call been an act? Lapis gripped her spoon, Let's just hope she misses me enough to try and find me.

Slowly, she convinced herself that her best friend would come look for her. If she didn't have bravery or absolute security, false hope was the best way to carry on, right? I will be safe soon.

She thanked God that she made a stupid jingle out of Peridots phone number.

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(Words 652)

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