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"I love you, Lapis."

This night, Jasper had lost it. Tears glossed his eyes and his cheeks were red from screaming. His fists were clenched above the chained Lazuli. You could see the undeniable resemblance between him and a child throwing a tantrum.

"I feel weak whenever I'm without you. You make me feel stronger."

He balled his hands with her blue hair, thinking that this was comforting the both of them. Instead, this action caused Lapis to wince and whimper in pain. He didn't notice the distress she was in and proceeded to grasp her chin to gaze into her eyes.

"I can be better. I promise, I'll change." Jasper begged, the wet tears falling onto Lapis's bruised face. "You make me better."

Lapis decided not to reply, knowing that if she did, he might retaliate. He just needed to vent out his emotions and, soon, he should be asleep.

Jasper didn't normally show any weaknesses. He would always hide them, lock them deep down so no one would see his insecurities and distress. This was the first time Lapis had seen Jasper like this and she didn't know how to react in this situation.

"I love you, Lapis." He repeated in that low voice of his, trembled by his erratical breathing.

The only sounds she replied in were short intakes of breaths and little moans of pain. She could not dare to speak such lies or risk her life before being hopefully saved. She was shivering from the negatives out the window and the frightening touch of her captor. Her teeth were chattering from both anxiety and the temperature drop.

Jasper noticed her violently shaking. "Are you cold? Here," He turned to the fireplace and attempted to light the dry wood he had bought from the store, "I'll make us a fire."

There has to be some sort of way to get out of this, Lapis thought. Without her safety being near, she'd have to fend for herself despite being barley able to lift her head. Her feet weren't chained, so she could potentially kick him but what would happen after that? She couldn't have enough strength to knock him out, that would just anger him, and even if she did, what would happen after that?

Fear had chickened her out when he came up next to her. There wasn't a point in trying to defend herself if she wouldn't be able to escape.

Before he could continue his tormenting or tantrum, there was a pound on the front door. For the past few weeks, never had there been a knock or any sort of interruption. As if the tears had never happened, Jasper snapped at the girl on the bed and ordered her to not make a sound.

He stalked out of the door and into the den, out of Lapis' sight. Her ears concentrated on the sounds, wondering who or what made that rough noise. The front door opening, incoherent voices, and a grunt was all she heard before bitter yelling and more groans.

While that was pursuing, she heard a pair of quick footsteps on the hardwood flooring growing ever so closer. Her body continued to tremble, from the cold and fear. The person who was undoubtably fighting Jasper could be friend or foe. It couldn't be her friend, she stupidly didn't give Peridot enough information to find her. This was a break in, a robber, or a murderer who would either take her from this misery or continue it.


That voice. It sent shivers down her spine and this heavy calamity raise from her shoulders. She opened her eyes and was met with dull green iris's looking down at her worriedly. The sight she took in made her aching heart flutter for the first time in weeks. There was bags under those gorgeous slanted eyes, as if she hasn't slept in weeks. Her hair was messier than usual, greased and missing her signature hair tie/barrette. Her skin was paler, even in the dim light of the bedrooms lamp.

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