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Hey babes. Bad news. Idk if I'll be able to update as frequently as I have been. I'm trying to focus more on making my life better (not that I don't love this but financially). I love you guys and don't worry, I'll bless you guys as soon as I finish another chapter. This is just a courtesy call.

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Sunflowers were the first thing Lapis saw that morning. The morning glory they basked in made them perky and stand upright. Besides the ones that she had received from Peridot earlier that year, these were alive and thriving to brighten her day. A note that was written just for her was the only thing that was on her mind that day. Lapis admired the sloppy but adorable writing as she read the note once again.

'Dear Lapis Lazuli,

I hope I brightened your morning with these sunflowers. This time, they're alive when you woke up...

Prepare yourself, for today is another holiday I would love to celebrate with you. Please get dressed into formal attire. I'm taking you out. Be ready by five.

Peridot Greene.

P.S. Happy Valentines Day!'

Lapis bit back a smile. Excitement had been with her for hours now as she anticipated when Peridot would arrive back home. Thankfully, when she awoke, it was late in the day so she wouldn't have to wait that long. After she read the note for what was possibly the tenth time, she arose from her bed to get ready.

Her closet didn't involve many outfits that could pass as 'fancy' but she did find something that would hopefully be perfect for where they were headed. When she figured out what to pair with the outfit, she went to the dorms bathroom to attempt to look anything but sluggish.

Although she would've loved to cover her burns with foundation and get rid of the annoying bandage for the day, she didn't think it was the best course of action for it to heal. Instead, she just applied minimal eye makeup and fixed her right eyebrow that was halfway burnt off. Besides the patch covering almost half of her face, she actually looked like a decent human being.

Lapis ran her fingers through her hair and grazed the overgrown hair that was supposed to be shaved. She wished she could somehow fix her rats nest of hair, but couldn't think of any way to style it to look well. She searched the cabinets for anything to help her appearance. She grasped the container of gel that Peridot used whenever she slicked back her bangs out of her face. Perfect.

After completing her look to be presentable and her attempt at looking somewhat sexy, she admired her work to see if she was missing anything. Liquid eyeliner and false eyelashes made the blues in her somber eyes look promiscuous. Her eyebrows didn't exactly match each other but at least she owned two with makeup. Her lips were plumped lightly with a nude lipstick. Her outgrown shave was gelled down to make it look smooth and not rustled, while the other half was slightly teased and ruffled in a careless charm.

She shot her reflection some finger guns and walked out of the bathroom to check the time on the alarm clock next to Peridot's bed. It was almost time for Peridot to come back home so she decided to change.

Baby blue fabric draped down from the tight sash of the bodice, swaying whenever she moved. The straps were thin but sturdy, holding the short plunge the front of the dress had. Her legs were long, ending with the pair of black flats and disappearing underneath the short skirt. Her torso was slender, which made her whole body look thin. The material covering her breasts did a fine job accentuating their round perkiness. Despite her flaws, she looked like a model.

Since she still had time to kill, Lapis had decided to add an entry into her audio diary. She sat on her bed, crossing her legs and holding the tape recorder to her mouth.

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