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Enjoy sad baby Lapis, falling asleep while crying. Art by me, I don't like coloring and ruining the work. :-)

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A loud continuous banging was heard on the dorm room that morning. It was disturbing the slumber of the two roommates. Peridot deemed it annoying when she jolted awake.

Grumbling, the short haired blonde stormed towards the door. Before opening it, she looked through the peephole, hoping it wasn't some peculiar person wanting to get in and preform unwanted tasks. She's watched murder documentaries and missing disappearance cases, she wanted to be careful one hundred percent of the time to avoid having the same dreadful fate as these unfortunate people have had.

Instead of a peculiar person, she saw Jasper, furiously pounding on the door. He did not look at all ecstatic to be here. She narrowed her eyes and proceeded to mutter curses and swears under her breath.

Before opening the door to the anger crazed adult, she snuck a look behind her shoulder. She saw Lapis hugging her knees to her chest, a look of fear placed on her slender face.

"What did you do?" Peridot hissed. Sleep was vital to getting good grades, and she did not appreciate waking up at early dawn without her consent.

Lapis whimpered in response. She has never before seen the girl in such a scared state and Peridot wasn't liking the sight of it. She looked like a dog scared of the thunder or a child who was about to get their annual flu shot.

Gritting her teeth, Peridot grabbed the quivering girl and ushered her into the bathroom. She ordered her to stay put for the time being, then went to open the now splintering door.

"What do you want, Jasper?"

"What took you so long to answer?" He sneered, glaring down at Peridot. Before letting her reply, he whipped his head behind her. "Where is she?"

"Lapis isn't here and I would be ever so grateful if you would leave. I have a test later and I-"

Pushing her out of the way, he bustled around the room, determined to find his girlfriend. Peridot clutched on the doorknob, hoping to find some sort of confidence in her but couldn't. What would happen if he found Lapis?

"I think Lapis went to her first class or possibly even breakfast." She tried, but he barged through the bathroom door.

Peridot waited for a scream or some banter. Instead of hearing a course of threats, she heard a grunt and out came Jasper.

"If she's not in her class, tell her that I'll be waiting for her." He spit. "If she doesn't come, I'm coming for you, bitch."

Peridot gulped, couldn't he just call or text her? What would he do to her if Lapis didn't show up? Where is Lapis and why couldn't he find her?

After closing the door as he left, Peridot thought of all the possibilities on how Jasper could tear her limbs to use as kayak paddles or sprinkle her ashes on a ice cream sundae. Distraught on her soon to be death, she shuffled into small bathroom. Lapis was nowhere to be seen but where did she go and how did she do it?

The cabinet door opened and out stretched a long pair of legs. Peridot scoffed at the stupid boy who couldn't figure this out. It sickened her that Lapis knew where and if she had to hide, but it worsened on how soon Peridot's death date with Jasper will be.

Lapis rested a hand on Peridots shoulder, "You know, I didn't need your help with Jasper," she paused, an emotionless face stared back at her, "but thanks."

Her eyes gleamed appreciation, Peridot could tell. She, in return, raised a bushy eyebrow as Lapis walked to her small plastic storage and pulled out her clothes for the day.

"Are you going to meet with him?" Peridot blurted. She had no time to wait, she needed to know if she was going to need to be prepared for her next encounter with Jasper.

Another pause from Lapis was given. She heard the commotion Jasper made and juggled the possible outcomes of not going to meet with him. Lapis looked at Peridot before answering.


"Good, because if you don't I'm screwed."

Lapis scoffed and angrily stomped back into the restroom. Peridot didn't care, she needed to look out for herself. She could not defend herself during a battle and if she were to get in one, she was sure to go to the hospital afterwards.

Why did she have to get involved? It wasn't her problem she should be dealing with.

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Lapis hesitantly strode through the courtyard, towards the boys dorm room building. She didn't want to get a lashing from her ex boyfriend nor get back together with him. She mustered up all of the confidence last night to break if off. Her attempts seem to be backfiring.

When she first started dating Jasper, it was nothing like this. He was kind, generous, and courteous of Lapis's feelings. He would hold open doors for her and slide in her chair at a dinner table. He would share his dinner with her when she didn't like her own plate. He used to build her confidence when she was feeling insecure about something.

Ever since Jasper turned the legal drinking age, he made her feel like dog shit and treat her like a breathing punching bag. He was a dangerous alcoholic.

Softly knocking on his dorm door, she forced herself to act tough. She could not let herself be pushed back into this chaotic relationship. She needed to care for her well being and not let anybody else tear her down.

"There you are." Jasper said in a low voice when he opened the dorm door.

"Jasper, I'm not-" A small distressed sound came from her as Jasper pulled her into his room.

He locked the door and turned to face Lapis. His gaze was crazed and angry. He slowly paced forward as Lapis stepped back.

I am strong, she told herself weakly as she held her hands up in defense.

"How dare you call it off?" He backhanded her. The force of the smack made her fall to the floor. He crouched to her level, huffing in her face. The breath he blew stunk of beer. "You're nothing and a nothing will not treat me this way."

A small groan was made as Jasper pulled at her long blue hair. She stumbled her way up as he lifted his arm to guide her. He flung her towards the wall, as if she was an old rag doll.

Lapis tripped over a lonesome shirt on the floor and crashed her head into the wall. She hissed and whimpered at the ever growing pain her body was enduring as Jasper threw punches and kicked into her side.

"You're not worth anybody's time, cunt."

"You're a pathetic little piece of shit."

"Nobody would give a damn if you'd die."

The repeating of the physical and mental abuse made tears sting her eyes. Her heart pounded hard in her rib cage. She felt as if the numbness of the world was suffocating her, desperate to kill her off.

After the rage subsided, he spit onto her quivering body and ordered her to leave. Lapis was relieved to escape this hell hole and go back to her not-so-safe-haven.

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Lapis trudged towards her dorm. The sun was setting a bright red, a beautifully senseless sight among the palm trees. She held her face high to hide her pain and despair that was apparent both from inside and outside. She wanted to sleep, just like the sun was preparing to do.

"I hope you're happy." Lapis muttered under her breath as she entered her dorm room. Her eyebrows were furrowed at the glasses that were staring back at her.

"Are-Are you okay?"

Ignoring her roommate, she crashed onto the bed and fell into a deep slumber, awaiting the soreness she was bound to feel in the morning.

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(1355 Words)

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