𝒊 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓

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Well, I made it a whole week posting everyday and I hope you're happy. I did this because of the thought, 'One day I'm going to die and I won't know exactly when that'll be.' So with that coursing through my mind, I kept thinking how I wouldn't be able to post one day and you all would be upset/disappointed and might hate me from the grave if I left my story unfinished because you all wouldn't know.

I know this sounds like a depressed Steven or Lapis sort of thing to say but I just want to share my story and not have anyone hate me and be disappointed with me not finishing my story.

Also, how would I be able to wait a full week to post something I want you all to enjoy? I physically and mentally can't.

Mama Mia. Enjoy.

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It took four days to get to Maine. Without stopping, it would've taken just over a day, but sadly, humans needed sleep to gain energy to function properly. Garnet wouldn't let Peridot drive at all, so they would just 'sleep' in the car until she felt well rested to start on the road again.

Peridot, still, couldn't sleep. Her mind was on a faulty loop, finding the faults in her and participating in the blame game. She was yearning sleep, but she was yearning the presence of her roommate more. Lapis is okay. She's strong, Peridot would try to convince herself, We're going to save her.

The two, once arrived in the city Peridot had tracked the phone to, had rented a hotel room for the night and decided to rest before investigating tomorrow. It was late in the day and they both needed as much sleep as they could get to become detectives.

Luckily, this time there was no douchebag receptionist and their room was not under refurbishment. There was two queen sized beds and Garnet had claimed the one closest to the AC unit.

Bouncing on the bed, Peridot bit her lip. She could not sleep knowing that Lapis was somewhere near and most likely suffering. She had sounded distressed on the phone and she could only imagine the pain she physically and emotionally was in.

"Peridot." Garnet snapped in a calm voice, annoyed by the noise of the bedsprings. "Sleep."

"But I can't." Peridot pleaded. "Lapis is out there waiting for us."

By giving her just a glare in her eyes, Garnet had convinced her to sleep. Sighing, Peridot laid down and readied herself for bed. She knew she wouldn't be able to, but she would at least try.

"Think about something calming." Garnet mumbled. "Or nothing."

Peridot decided not to reply. Garnet had been driving all this time and she did need her rest for the day tomorrow. It was only healthy and she respected her too much to bother her.

Taking her advice, the blonde started to blank. Behind her eyelids showed black and she steadied her breathing to a small pace. Her head felt light and she almost felt as if she was floating.

Until her body came crashing back down, leaving her lungs gasping for air. Peridot ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm her spiking anxiety. No, I can't sleep.

Calm down. Calm down. Peridot thought. Think about happy thoughts. Become Peter Pan. Neverland, that's a pretty calm place, right?

Although thinking of a beautiful and serene place, the gore began to haunt her. Thinking about a happy place won't work. Something else, something else.

"I miss you." Lapis had said over the phone that day she had called her. Did she really? Peridot undoubtedly did.

With her fingers still messing up her hair, she decided to think of all the things she missed about Lapis Lazuli.

Her eyes were dark, as if her parents have dived into the deepest part of the ocean to find the mysterious color to give to her. Her eyelashes accentuated her round eyes, making her look like the strongest doe in a family. Specks of a lighter blue and almost gold in her iris' would sparkle whenever she was happy.

The laugh she had was beautiful. It was rhythmic with the occasional bellow of a snort. And her smile was placed perfectly on her slender face, with those glistening straight white teeth that she was jealous over.

Her soothing velvet voice would calm Peridots stress, even when they didn't discuss the exams she was worried about. She missed talking to her for hours on end with no point in any conversation. Just the sound of her speaking was enough to settle her jitters.

The loud snoring in the middle of the night was what she missed too. Over the past few months they have lived together, Peridot slowly progressed the annoyance of the noise to a sort of lullaby. It was soothing to hear her through sleep, ignoring all of the bad in the world and walking off to her own land.

Peridot started to think of the memories they have shared. The first laugh she had heard, the hugs at the Halloween party, the comfort she received during her anxiety attack, the dancing at the club, the warm cuddling they had shared, the tickle fight, everything. Lapis Lazuli made her happy and she wanted to create more memories with her.

By the continuous thoughts of her roommate, she slowly drifted off into sleep but woke up an hour later due to the anxiousness that found her. Even though it was a short sleep, it was a step she was glad to take.

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(Words: 933)

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