𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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TadStrange3132 is the best editor and I didn't even ask. Thank you for finding the faults in my grammar.

Also, shout out to: WhitePolarBear45 for being my 200th voter!! Thank you all for enjoying my story, I can't believe I'm sharing my imagination to such a kind community.

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Lapis covered her chest and spun her gaze to glare at the girl who was covering her face. Panic had covered her like a thick blanket. Quickly putting on a shirt, she staggered over to her and dug her fingernails in her shoulders, forcing her to look up at her. Through gritted teeth, she muttered, "Don't you dare tell anybody about this."

The helpless one nodded, fresh tears in her red eyes and biting her lip. Lapis pointed behind her before she went back to finish changing into some clean underwear.

"Pass me my pills."

Peridot did what she was told and handed her a clean towel as well. After tossing her head back to the pain killer, she started drying off her blue hair. While doing so, she realized Peridot was standing there, worried sketched across her face and shivering profusely.

Lapis gave her a sad smirk and tugged on her white shirt that was clinging to her curves. "Go get dressed."

"Shouldn't you tell someone?" Peridot asked through chattered teeth as she hugged herself for warmth.

She shook her head, placed her towel over the blondes head, and started drying her hair. "Forget about it. I'm fine."


"Peridot, I'm fine." Lapis bent down slightly and grasped behind her neck with the towel. She looked her in the eyes and gave her an almost comforting half smile. "I promise."

Peridot nodded, still visibly upset about the whole situation, and entered the bathroom with clean clothes to change into. Lapis sighed, when she closed the door and laid flat onto her bed, ignoring the pain that would subside soon.

She had forgotten Peridot was so observant. When she left the bathroom to get dressed, she didn't have any respect left for her body to even bother to close the door or cover herself. She probably should've done so, for Peridots sake. The last thing she wanted was for her to get hurt.

After covering herself from the cold, Lapis softly touched the palm of her hand, imagining what it'd feel like to have someone touch her gently again. She wanted real love but she doubted she'd ever find someone to love her. Who would love a girl surrounded by problems, imperfections, and impurity?

Sighing, she got ready to quiet her cries but there was no more tears she could shed.

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Wearing nothing more than to cover her abuse marks, Lapis continued her admiration project without caring if she got any paint on her hoodie sleeves. Her mind was everywhere and she thought of everything, but she made sure not to show any vulnerability to any of her classmates.

Last night reeled in her mind. She disregarded everything that happened before she came home though, staying away from thoughts that would give her an anxiety attack. She softly touched her foundation covered cheek, imagining Peridot comforting her and the annoying but heart touching worry she had for her.

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