𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒈𝒆𝒎

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A month has past since the devastation. The winter breeze was colder than before. The delicate snow powdered the land, making it look like a beautiful soft blanket you could wrap into. It seemed inviting but it was chillingly deadly.

It wasn't the season but somehow there were wilting sunflowers in a vase. The petals were falling ever so smoothly onto the floor, as if the petals were parachuting and having a decaying blast.

The bright lights shone through. It was hauntingly alluring, like a mosquito to a blinding electric bug zapper. If you were to guide yourself to the light, where would you end up?

Loneliness was then accompanied. There was no one to greet her or answer her questions. Where was she? What happened? She didn't feel comfortable at all.

"I see you're awake."

Lapis Lazuli moved her slightly aching head towards the entrance of the white room. There stood a tall dark woman with a small smile on her face. She had curly tendrils of dark hair that stood up in a fluffy fashion and warm brown eyes that weren't hidden by sunglasses. Properly dressed over her body were a couple pairs of sweaters and jackets, jeans, and a set of combat boots.

Lapis opened her mouth to speak but was gifted with the sound of nothing. By instinct, she lifted her hand to touch her throat but, instead, couldn't at all as it felt like she carried a miniature whale. With a frown, she set her hand back down on the stiff bed and noticed her arms were covered in bandages and gauze.

"You're fine, Lazuli." Garnet set a soft hand on her knee. "You just haven't used your voice box in a while. I'll go get you some water."

And at that, she did. A cold cup of water was all she needed to reset her voice.

"Where am I?" Lapis asked, her voice hoarse.

"We're still in Maine." Garnet gazed out the hospital window Lapis was looking out of. "It would've been impossible to go back to Florida."

A small moan made Lapis whip her head around with difficulty. Sitting almost right next to her was a lovely blonde haired woman. Drool escaped a corner of her mouth and tears looked as if they stained her tired face. She was drafted over a wing chair, sleeping what seemed to be an uncomfortable sleep.

Instantly, Lapis's tense shoulders drooped. Her best friend was here. Over her failed body was the alien blanket she had used for their picnic. A ghost of a smile found its way onto her lips at the memory. She was so thankful to have someone like her in her life.

"Peridot hasn't been able to leave your side." Garnet stated and when Lapis turned to look at her with confusion, she continued. "I had to force her to go back to school to finish her exams. That whole week we were gone, she kept calling the hospital asking if you were awake and if you were doing well. I think the staff wanted to block her number so she couldn't call again."

"I was in a coma?" Lapis questioned in a small whisper. Garnet nodded. "What day is it?"

"January 25th. You've been sleeping for over a month."

She had missed her first Christmas and first New Years Eve. She was wishing that she'd be able to spend every holiday with Peridot like she had given her her first Thanksgiving. It upset her that she'd probably never get to celebrate a real holiday again. Peridot had her own family and she'd be moving at the end of this school year. Surely she wouldn't keep in contact, right?

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