𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒑𝒆𝒔

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Guys, we made it to the #1 spot on the hashtag Lapis! Which is pretty freaking big! Thank you all so much.

Also, thank you for the 600th vote, GrapeSodaPop, and not only you, but everyone else!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BOYFRIEND! July 7th, what a sweet day. And a week and two years, I was born right after you! Yeah, my birthday is coming up Beaches. I'ma turn up with my legal Piña Coladas.

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"Is it stupid to say I was hoping to spend Christmas and New Years with you?" Lapis turned towards the window, hoping Peridot wouldn't see the blush and disappointment her face probably had.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Peridot shot up from the chair and swiftly walked towards a small in-table and lifted the vase of sunflowers. "These are for you. They're dead now but... Happy New Years."

Lapis giggled. "Thank you."

"And," Peridot bit her lip again and pulled out a wrapped present from her backpack to give to her. "This is your Christmas present."

"Peri..." Lapis whispered, fingering the thin blue paper over the box. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to." Peridot exhaled, nervous about how she'd react to the present once she opened it. "Now, open it."

With hesitation, Lapis whispered in a soft tone, "This is my first ever present."

This fact made Peridot's anxiousness worse but instead of showing how frazzled she was, she pushed her glasses back up her nose and fidgeted. While she was opening her present, she noticed how her fingers were reluctant to rip the paper and how her lips were pursed in concentration.

"What is this?" Lapis asked, trying to cover her confusion gently but failed.

"It's a tape recorder." Peridot answered, wishing she had never given her this. This was a stupid idea, Lapis deserved much better. But, since there was no reversing time, she continued with the present. "I... here."

When the blonde pressed a button on the object, a loud static noise filled the room. After a few seconds of the annoying buzz, an unmistakable voice emerged from the recording. Everything was much softer now with a hint of an echo.

"Log Date 122519. Merry Christmas, Lazuli!"

The tone in the past Peridot's voice was energetic until the recording went on. She sounded tired and stumbled on some of her words. Her usual obnoxious nasally self was replaced with a worried and upset tone. She had almost sounded depressed.

"I know this is probably the stupidest present you've ever received, but..." a groan, along with mutters of regret, and a click of a button was heard in the tape and up started a new recording. This time it was more energetic than the last, almost like Peridot was trying to fake being happy.

"Log date 122519. Merry Christmas, Lapis Lazuli! I hope you're impressed with my thoughtful present. I know, I know. I am great. I used to use this exact tape recorder and thought it'd be perfect for you. I..." Then a sigh came from the tape, almost exhausted by the happy stunt she had tried to pull. A click was heard and yet another log played.

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