𝒔𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Peridot screamed in Amy and Pearl's dorm.

"Come on, Peri-Rabbit. You look great!" Amy chuckled.

Peridot stared at her reflection in horror and embarrassment. She wore a back corset-like one piece that hugged every curve she grew and her small breasts seemed bigger from the push up cups the suit had. Fishnet stockings made her thighs look thicker on her short legs and the white gloves made her palms even sweatier. The blonde had her hair slicked back and on the top of her head was a rabbit headband.

Oh my fucking stars. I am literally the sluttiest bunny in the whole school.

She turned to look at her backside and squeezed the fluffy white cotton tail. Her ass was trying so desperately to be concealed but to no avail, looked like a a cheeky pair of underwear. Peridot glared at the short cat in front of her.

"I am not wearing this."

"Come on, Peri-Rabbit! You look great. I'm sure you'll find some fun tonight." Amy winked and held up her balled hand to her face, emphasizing that she was indeed dressed like a cat with her drawn on whiskers. She wore a black dress that slimmed her well and small cat ears.

"I don't want to find fun, Amy Mauve. I just want to drink."

"Oh, then you can take that off and I will show you what drinking's really like." She smirked. Peridot knew she wanted to make her, not just tipsy, but a drunken idiot. She wanted to help her relax with a binge. "And you owe me fifty six dollars."

With that she left the room, leaving Peridot in a conflict of if she should change or not. She didn't know if she should attend the party and disrespect herself or do something regretful. Should she drink until she passed out or pick her wedgie all night? Wearing this outfit didn't have as many cons as she imagined. She didn't want a hang over, do something regretful, or embarrass herself.

The blonde walked out of the restroom and heard a sharp intake of breath. Her head whipped to a shocked Pearl.

"Oh, Peridot. You look," She paused, giving her a once over, "Lovely."

"Thanks." She muttered and slipped on her green converse. "I don't like it either."

Pearl made an apologetic shocked sound. "I didn't mean you looked bad, per say, I've just never seen you wear... anything like this before. You don't look bad at all, actually, you look great."

Peridot smacked her teeth, ignoring the compliment. Pearl wore a tux and sported vampire fangs. Her hair was also gelled back.

"Hey, you two done flirting?" Amy glared at the two of them, holding the door open for dressed guests. "The parties starting."

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Halloween, as a college student, is a holiday where you can dress provocative and drink a full case of booze. Girls are seen in short dresses with their boobs one bounce away from coming out and their ass cheeks noticeably jiggling from not wearing any undergarments. Men, on the other hand, were topless, just wearing trousers, with a beer in their hand. Drinks stacked high, red cups were thrown carelessly, and candy wrappers would drift around the living room of one of the many apartments showcasing the party. Peridot hated Halloween as an adult. She found it so much more enjoyable when she was a child.

Strobe lights were dancing to the booming music that a blonde male was DJ-ing. Many people were dancing seductively and others were enjoying a loud conversation. Some were even smoking some joints. Peridot sat on one of the beds until a couple started groping each other and started leaning onto her. She shot up with a grunt of disgust and went to retrieve another drink.

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