𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉

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You might see a lot of art by me throughout these chapters. Enjoy. Also it kinda sucks looool..

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Running her fingers through her hair, Lapis thought this was a different look. She didn't know if she quite liked it yet, but everyone she passed seemed to bend their back to take a second look at her. She hoped this haircut suited her well or else it would take years to grow it out.

Due to having chunks of hair pulled out on one side, she decided to shave half of her head. She trimmed the dead ends off and now the right side of her head had locks that touched her shoulder. Her hair begged to be dyed again, a vibrant royal blue now replaced the old faded color.

She strode up towards her room, seeming confident in her new look and ignoring everyone. She sipped on the coffee in her hand that was warming up her thin body. The weather has been getting colder and she had a variety of sweaters to choose from but she would usually get lazy and opted for her hoodie. Like normal, she didn't care. She had no one to impress.

Making it to her room, she walked in, flung the bag she had in her hand onto her desk, and threw her now empty cup away. Since the room was empty, she figured Peridot must have went out to eat dinner. The hair sticking to her neck and chest were bothering her and making her itch, she wanted to take a shower.

Lapis immediately stripped and stepped under the almost scalding water. She was still considering going to the party, but didn't know if she absolutely should. Who would she party with? She didn't have any friends, Jasper made sure of that. He always wanted her to himself, he never wanted to share. And coming from an orphanage, she didn't have any friends she could just call up.

She breathed and stuck her face under the running shower head. She heard it was a costume party as she left the campus earlier that day, would she be embarrassed? What if someone tried to sleaze on her?

Maybe I should've picked another costume, Lapis thought. Why did I even get a costume, anyway? It would probably be best if I didn't go.

Finishing her shower, she dried off and dressed into her pajamas. She walked out of the restroom after throwing her clothes in the hamper and placing her towel on a hook behind the door.

Peridot was home now and was typing on her laptop sitting at her desk. Her desk was right next to the door frame of the bath, but Peridot didn't bother to look up from her studies. She already knew it was, and she didn't care. Lapis thought the same.

She fell on top of her bed and quickly fell asleep.

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Peridot snuck a look over towards her roommate who was tucked beneath her warm comforter. She wondered when or if she even did homework. Whenever they shared each other's presence, she would always be sketching, on her cellphone, or sleeping. Peridot didn't bother. It was Lapis wasting money and her grades funeral, not her.

She burped, relishing the aftertaste of the pie she ate earlier with her friends. After shopping, Amy proceeded to make Peridot feel guilty about her buying the costume, as if she didn't already feel bad towards the matter. Peridot treated both her and Pearl to dinner, which by both calculation and Amy stating, was more than what she would've paid for the damn costume.

Leaning back in the chair and putting her feet on the desk, Peridot was comfortable. She closed her eyes. She wondered what on Earth Amy had picked for her costume. She prayed to aliens that they would come down and attack if it was something polar opposite of what she wanted.

She was beginning to nod off. Her eyes were tired from staring at a bright screen all day. What if she bought a Dorito costume? She chuckled softly to herself as she imagined the costume on her.

Her head leaned back farther, wanting to rest against a pillow but found nothing but air. The balance Peridot had was lost and she was falling. She instantly awoke and flailed around, trying to grasp safety but failed.

The loud thump of the hardwood chair colliding with the floor was enough to make Lapis jolt awake. With a groan, Peridot rubbed her back and sat up. The fall hurt, but it was nothing severe. She muttered under her breath, "Stupid... chair."

A chime rung through the room, followed closely by a snort. Peridot snapped her head up towards the source and her jaw dropped. Lapis was laughing, genuinely laughing. She had never heard her laugh or, quite frankly, seen her smile. Peridot stared at the sight before her, mesmerized. Her hair was shorter, ruffled from sleep, and was shaved on one side. It was a brighter color than before, one that brought out the blue in her eyes. She had never before seen such a beautiful person until that moment.

Oh my stars.

"Did you really just fall?" Lapis choked out, holding her face in her right hand.

Peridot's face heated and she quickly got up to dust herself off. "N-No." She scoffed, trying to cover up her embarrassment.

A giggle came soon after and Peridot could feel her heart quickening. She gritted her teeth and set her chair back on its legs. She tried to hide her blushing face with a cough and a sour look.

After the chuckles disappeared, she heard her say in a taunting but soft coo, "I really wish I was awake to see that."

With a smack of her gums and a roll of her eyes, Peridot stormed into the restroom and slammed the door. She looked at her reflection to find a flushed blonde, annoyed and embarrassed. Resting a hand on her cheek, Lapis's voice replayed in her mind. Though her voice sounded intentionally sexy, she knew it wasn't. It was a joke she had made to get under her skin.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm her pacing heart. Never had she seen Lapis Lazuli show any sort of positive emotion, she was always a down-to-Earth person. Maybe, she thought she figured way too far down to even crack a smile. Lazuli wasn't incapable of smiling, she probably just never had a reason to.

Taking a deep breath, Peridot finally settled herself. Although she was still slightly embarrassed, everyone makes mistakes they should shake off. The scene of Lapis laughing kept replaying in her head. Why? She concluded it must be due to shock.

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(1112 Words)

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