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Oh wow, almost lost my posting streak. Today's day 6. I'm going to make it a full week with posting everyday. Too bad this wasn't like a uh holiday special? Lol oops.

Now celebrating my impatient self. 🥳

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Joy and worry coursed through Peridots veins as she immediately ran to her laptop to trace the call. She's still alive, her mind chanted as she began to type feverishly on her keyboard. Finally, there was a lead.

Sooner than before, and much more effectively, she found the exact location the call was taken and after she wrote down the coordinates, she began to call up Garnet and the others.

Thank God all of her classes involved digital work instead of traditional paper so she could turn in her work from miles from the classroom, but it wasn't like she could pay attention in class anyway. She couldn't, not without her roommate safe. She knew that she would be gone, looking for her to bring her home. She almost hoped she would return before final exams but knew she'd be thankful if she just had her back.

When her friends entered her dorm room that night, Peridot announced while slinging her already packed backpack over her shoulder, "Pack your bags, you clods. We're going to Delmarva, Maine."

"What's there?" Amy questioned, rubbing her eyes from the sleep she was pried from.

"Lapis Lazuli." Peridot clutched her bags strap and a small smile of hope played on her face. "She called me."

Garnet presented a grin herself, "Then let's get on the road, champ."

Pearl, still in her pajamas, held up her hands as if to pause the scene before her. "Wait, wait. Shouldn't we call the police and give them this information?"

Garnet nodded and rested her hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with reliance. "Pearl, you call the police. Tell them that Lapis called Peridot and told her she is in Maine."

With a nod at the new order from the mature friend she looked up to, she stated sadly, "Alright. But I can't go. I have exams tomorrow."

"Yeah, and I have exams I should be studying for, and I'm not." Amy grumbled. "Although I'd love to go to beat Jasper and see the action, I can't."

As the two mumbled their apologies, Peridot turned furious. "Lapis is out there dying and you'd rather worry about your tests? Fine. I'll go look for her myself."

Grabbing the car keys Lapis thankfully left, she rushed out of the door. She needed to get to Maine as quickly as possible before something awful happened. Lapis, I'm coming.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Garnets British voice called out from down the hall. Peridot flicked her head around and paused, wondering what she had forgotten.

Instead of waiting for her to come to see what she would have missed, Garnet strode up to her and gave her her phone and laptop. Sheepishly, she grasped her things and thanked her, but before she could walk off, Garnet placed a hand on her back to guide her to the opposite end of the hallway.

Without processing what was happening, Peridot was inside of Garnets own dorm. Awkwardly, Peridot waved at her roommate who turned to greet them both from her bed. They both watched as Garnet grabbed a duffle bag full of weights and emptied it.

"Topaz, I'm going to Maine."

"What?" The large blonde asked, astonishment in her soft tone. "But finals-"

"Remember the missing girl I've told you about?" Garnet started gathering some of her things and stuffed them into her bag. "She called Peridot and we're going to find her."

Topaz gave a small gasp, holding her cheeks in surprise. Her eyes shown sympathy and said, "Well, I really hope you find her-"

"Garnet, you don't have to." Peridot interrupted, shocked as well. "I can handle this..."

The look the tan girl gave her was one that told her to become silent. She didn't pack much, so she was done rather quickly. "You are in no condition to be driving for days. You can't even think properly with the amount of sleep you have been getting." Garnet said. "I care for Lapis Lazuli too. Not as much as you, I'm afraid, but she is my friend."

By now, Garnet set her hands on her shoulders and started to massage them, looking into her eyes with her sunglasses pushed back over her head. "And I promised that I'd help to get her back."

Peridot gave a small smile and exhaled. "Thank you, Garnet."

Truth be told, Peridot Greene was scared. Terrified, even. Her best friend was somewhere far and she would travel to save her, but how? What would happen when she found their whereabouts? Peridot didn't know how to fight. How could she even help herself if she knew of no defense? Police would be the best answer, but what if somehow things played out differently and more dangerously than they were already? Hope is all she could grasp at this moment.

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(Words: 802)

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