𝒊 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒂𝒎𝒚

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Will you be able to tell that I bullcrapped this chapter? Enjoy because I sure as wakaflaka didn't.

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"You need to tell her!"

"I can't! What if she rejects me?"

The yelling in the dorm room made Garnet irritated. Peridot had come to Garnets room to ask for advice after classes, knowing that she was the most reliable resource for this situation she was in. Amy had tagged along, already knowing the whole ordeal.

Groaning, Amy fell on the floor, tired of the arguing. Garnet was the one to answer. "You need to tell her how you feel."

"You don't understand." Peridot ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm her stressed being. "I really fucking like her and I don't want to ruin anything between us. I don't know if it's the smartest idea to tell her."

"I'm sure it won't end up as bad as you think." Garnet crossed her arms and legs on her bed.

"Yeah." Garnet's roommate, Topaz, spoke in her fragile voice. "What if she admits she likes you too? Think of how happy you two will be together."

"But..." Peridot trailed off, trying to think of an excuse but was cut off.

"Just bring her here later tonight. I'll fix it all." Amy spoke in her usual confident and carefree tone. Peridot gave her an exasperated and disgusted look and denied. "Come on, P! I promise I won't try anything you won't enjoy."

Peridot turned to the wise woman, searching for a sign saying this wasn't a good idea. Instead, Garnet shrugged and told her, "Do you have any other ideas?"

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It took a week of full determination to finish her oil painting. The beautiful girl Lapis once didn't care for was now painted to perfection. The background was a bright pink and orange sunset with a gorgeous full moon. Hidden between the stars was a constellation of Peridot's zodiac sign. Surrounding the female focal point were dozens of beautifully painted sunflowers, framing the portrait wonderfully.

As Lapis was admiring her work of completion, she felt a hand gently rest on her shoulder. She jumped dramatically and ripped her headphones out of her ears, looking up at a smirking blonde. She rested a hand over her chest and gave her a small glare but when she finished showing her expression of anger, she quickly turned to her painting and asked, "What do you think?"

It took a while to receive an answer, but when she did, she could hear the sincerity in her voice. "You always blow me away."

This comment made Lapis giggle, a slight tint forming on her cheeks. All of a sudden, she shot up, almost knocking into her friend that was leaning over her, and grabbed her shoulders. "Oh! I wanted to tell you something."


"I'm planning on getting a tattoo," Grinned Lapis Lazuli, "And I wanted you to come along with me."

"A tattoo?" Peridot asked, disgust laced with each word. "You know, you'll regret it when you're old and saggy."

"I don't think I'll regret this." Lapis raised her eyebrows.

"But it won't look right when you're older." Peridot spoke.

Lapis just shrugged and took her hands from her shoulders. When Lapis was set on something, there was no way of changing her mind. Doubt could form in her mind, but no one could sway her if she had full intention of doing something herself. Peridot, on the other hand, would stick to calculations and her computers. If there wasn't a precise aftermath that would happen, she would ask advice online, where people wouldn't judge her, but then she changed and opened up to her friends. Even when she asked for random people's opinion online, it was rare. She usually liked sticking to instinct or being by herself to avoid conflicts.

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