𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒍𝒚

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"I'm taking you on a date."

"A date?"

"Yeah!" Lapis exclaimed. "You took me on a date, now it's my turn to take you!"

Peridot gave her a nervous glance. Did she really consider their Valentine's Day a date? It was more over a celebration of the holiday. She would've loved to consider it a date, but it wasn't intended. If it was, she would've tried a lot harder into making it more special. She was just taking her crush out to dinner on a stupid lovey-dovey holiday.

Oh my stars. Peridot thought. It was a date and I didn't fucking realize.

Peridot started to stutter, unsure of whether to neglect the offer or ask what to wear. The sounds she made got Lapis's attention from packing her backpack and she blinked. Her shoulders slumped for a second before she interrupted her nervousness.

"Do you not want to go?"

"No, No!" Peridot threw her arms about, hoping to erase the memory of her looking any way other than excited. "Where are, where are we going?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the beach." Lapis rubbed her bandaged arm.

Peridot tried to hide her disgusted look, but Lapis saw it instantly. All hope that she had had left her and she looked at her backpack, filled with things to make their date better. Everything she did prior for this moment was a waste of time. She thought about somewhere else where she could do everything she had planned, but she couldn't think of any other place where she'd be as happy or excited to go to.

Lapis faked a laugh and zipped up her bag. "I'm kidding."

Peridot frowned and quickly went to reassure her friend after seeing her excited mood change into something that wasn't as light. She put a hand over her shoulder as she was putting down her bag. Once she arose from bending over, Peridot had to slightly balance herself on her tip toes.

"I'd love to go with you, Lazuli." Grinned the blonde. "I'm just not very fond of the beach. But spending time with you is more important than where we go."

A blush was on her cheeks as she hung on her shoulders. Her mind couldn't grasp that such a beautiful creature would want to go on a date with her. She couldn't believe it. Did she really want to go on a date as potential lovers or as friends?

"Are you sure?" Lapis asked, her cheeks a slight pink from the close and boyish contact.

"I wouldn't lie to you."

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Set on the beach was the alien throw blanket Peridot owned keeping them from experiencing the itchy, grainy, and almost cold sand. Among the blanket was a box of pizza, a pair on wine glasses, and a bottle of something sweet. Before Lapis sat down on the blanket to enjoy their supper, she excused herself to bring something from her car.

Peridot decided to wait for Lapis to come back before she dug into a slice of pizza. Her eyes roamed around the beach. Barley anybody was there but a small family walking along the beach like a stock photo and another couple swimming about half a mile down from where they were sitting. It was late in February, the tourists were gone and the water was partially cold. It also helped being in a secluded area.

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