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I just wanted to say, thank you to everyone who has been enjoying my story! It means so much that people are actually supporting my creations!

Also, quick stupid fail of a sketch of Lapis flicking off the group from the last chapter. It really fucking sucks. Don't judge me.

Also, shout out for Gingi0726  for being my 100th voter!

I'm finally going to be having a schedule for when I'm posting chapters so I can start writing more for my story I'm going to publish. There will be a new chapter every Tuesday! So stay tuned and watch out!

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The aching pain of the light shining in her closed eyes was enough for Lapis to awake. Her brain was pounding hard against her skull and she silently cursed at her drunk self that didn't close the drapes of the window. She was too tired to get up and close them. Groaning, she placed her left arm over her eyes to ignore the white room.

When she did that though, she felt her right arm being squeezed and something rub into her inner arm. Lapis looked down and was alarmed to find her roommate clutching her tightly and her face in her near armpit. Her backside was fully pressed against her, how did she not feel her before?

Have they been cuddling all night? How cliche.

Her already hot body felt as if it were set in flames. The regular heartbeat she maintained was now rapid and bothered her. Whatever was left in her stomach was flipping and wanting to come up. Lapis questioned if she was on the verge of a panic attack. She didn't feel like this was wrong, but however, enjoyable. So what exactly was this feeling?

Oh my stars, do I stink? Lapis worried as she stared at her friend. She was practically breathing in her stench. Lifting her other arm and taking a whiff, she sighed in near relief. Oh, thank God.

An exasperated groan was heard beneath her and stirring was felt. Peridot was no longer asleep. "Fuck whoever didn't close the curtains last night." She dug her face into Lapis's arm, shielding her eyes from the morning.

Usually Peridots adorable curses in that nasally voice of hers set Lapis in smiles and giggles, but this time she wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. She was focused on the closed space between hers and the blondes bodies. Her breathing got caught in her throat. What the fuck is wrong with me?

With another groan, Peridot got up, wiping her face from the drool that escaped her mouth. Afterwards, she closed the drapes and checked her phone. With boredom and drowsiness, she looked at the girl that still laid in the bed. "What time is it?"

Her phone must have been dead. Gathering the courage to move from the position Peridot left, Lapis rose and sauntered over to her phone that was laying on the television stand. "Eigh-eight thirty four."

Peridot sighed and crashed back onto the bed. "I'm going back to sleep. And if you are, please refrain from hitting me."

So, that was why she was cuddling me. She was trying to weigh down my arm, Lapis thought, somehow amused instead of sorry. I guess I'm a crazy sleeper.

Lapis has never known this. Whenever she was with Jasper, she was usually dead still in her sleep either unable to move from abuse or scared to bother him. Even when he was nice to her, she still wouldn't have moved. Was it because she was so comfortable with Peridot that she unconsciously let her be herself?

Instead of laying back with her bedmate, she went to shower hoping to settle her anxious and hangover self. She turned on the shower and began to take off her clothing. Curious and shameful, Lapis huffed at the wet mark she had on her panties. That has to be fucking discharge. No way did anyone make me wet last night.

The water was a perfect temperature, between scalding hot and hell fire. Lapis tried her best to find comfort in the shower but couldn't. Her body was uncomfortably hot and irritated and the steam didn't help her pounding head. She changed the knob to be cooler, finding relaxation from sweat with the icy liquid.

Being careful not to get her hair wet, she used the complimentary bathroom toiletries the hotel provided. How was this small bottle going to give anyone an appropriate cleanse?

When she finally calmed herself, she got back into the clothes she wore last night, making sure not to wear on the sweaty thong she dirtied. She continued to think about the feelings she had before. The heat, the pounding heart, and the stomach flip was just a part of the hangover. Nothing else.

Making sure to leave the hotel before the required departure time, Peridot and Lapis made it to their dorm safely. Peridot drove them home, due to her being able to focus more between the two. For the rest of the day, they relaxed in their own beds watching Camp Pining Hearts at a low volume, and ignoring the classes they paid for.

"So the manager emailed me back." Peridot scrolled through her phone.


"That bastard put us in a room that was under refurbishment." Peridot cursed. "I got my money back. Hehe. And he got fired."

Lapis made a little woohoo as she continued to watch Paulette try to flirt with Percy on Peridots computer that was placed on one of their nightstands. She kept thinking about all of the new but dangerous feelings Peridot had put her though. Surely, she was just shocked of the fact that she had slept so close to her roommate. They both wondered what happened the night before but neither of them could remember.

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A short chapter for you. "owo"

(Words: 752)

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