𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔

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Thank you to Lsapphy for giving me the courage to post this chapter and inspiring me. If you haven't read her story, BEST -clap- CHECK -clap- THEM -clap- OUT.

ArT iS MiNe. Yeah, I drew it. Actually pretty proud but not completely. I never do crap like this but it's still not good and looks hella emo+cringy.

Also... slight trigger on last two paragraphs.

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While her friend was gone and Lapis had nothing to distract her, she continued to progress in her oil painting. This paint took ages to dry if you didn't use mediums to help it fasten, but thankfully, she was on schedule despite the drying process and the weeks of inspiration she lacked. She sat at her desk, painting her third layer and blasting music at a high rate in her baby blue headphones.

The tones of soft nude and peach was a perfect fit for Peridots skin tone and the clothings folds were shaded realistically. Her hair was messy in the way she always styled and she couldn't find the right color to match it to. The blue background was changed to a sunset to look more like the image she had photographed of her. Lapis rolled back in her desk chair to get a taste of what could be changed. Something was definitely missing, but what?

A ding popped above the sound of the music, indicating that she had received a new text message. She blinked at the notification bar, fear quickly spreading throughout her body. She had felt fine whenever she was with Peridot, but whenever she wasn't near, her insides had grown numb again. This instance, however, it was a shivering sensation. This text was cold and bitter and she knew inevitable pain would soon become apart of her.

With much hesitation, she took off out of the room, leaving her courage behind.

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Peridot had been texting Lapis religiously while she was gone, enjoying their small conversations and Peridots rants about her family. However, she hadn't received a message back from her friend since yesterday. Now, she was coming home after the holiday to enjoy her time with Lapis and see if she was alright.

When she entered the dorm, she was greeted to emptiness. She wondered where Lapis could have gone and if she was safe. Sighing, she started to unpack her belongings and when she was finished, she looked around the room to get a sense of what had happened to her.

She came across her desk, starstruck. A small wooden easel held a canvas. A girl was looking up at a beautifully blended sunset and to a mysteriously painted moon. Her skin was pale with color, her hair was a dim blonde, and her smile was genuine and crooked. It was beautiful.

Looking down, Peridot noticed a paper of a printed picture next to the easel. Her mouth dropped when she realized it was her. She had completely forgotten of the project Lapis was basing her off of. She remembered this day, however. She was stupidly raving about how there were aliens somewhere far from this solar system.

I am such an idiot. Peridot thought, slapping her hand against her forehead. I should talk about what she wants to talk about. I always talk about me.

A slam of the door erupted her thoughts and she whipped her head to find Lapis, back against the door as if holding it closed. Tears were running down her cheeks and she gritted her teeth. Peridot was dumbfounded at what she saw next. Lapis made loud painful cries.

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