𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒔

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Shout out to TorresCoronado for being the 300th voter of this story! Thank you ALL enjoying my story!

Also, if your reading this PLEASE tell me if you're confused with something and something doesn't seem... right. Is there anything I need to regard?

The reason why I'm asking is because I completely forgot about the admiration project after writing a few chapters and I needed to address it and then I add it as a key component in this story.

But thank you and enjoy.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰Trigger Warning✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

The handcuffs around her wrists were suffocating her blood flow. Instead of them being regular metal cop cuffs, they had spikes that penetrated her flesh. Lapis was used to the feeling by now but whenever she moved slightly, it would dig deeper. This kink was not appealing to her, what-so-ever.

The bitter Winter snow from outside froze her exposed skin. The log cabin Jasper had rented out gave no warmth besides the occasional fire he would start in the fireplace. Her battered body barley felt a thing anymore, it was numb from the temperature, abuse, and lack of happiness.

Lapis fantasized her death. She wanted all of the pain to go away and free her from the trouble she was deep in. No one would bother to look for her, not even Peridot. It had been countless days and there was no sign of good in her time here. She doubted she would be alive in the next couple of days. The lack of food, warmth, and painless nights were killing her and she had no idea how to stop it.

Jasper wasn't completely heartless, at least. He would give her a few hours of free time, under his supervision just in case she would try any unwanted business, and small sparse meals. She believed he wanted her dead, but maybe, not just yet.

The man came into the room, emotionless but his jaw tense. He unlocked the handcuffs from the bed frame and she sat up in the sheet-less bed, rubbing her free wrists. "Get dressed, you fuck. We're going to get food."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰End Of Trigger✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

She had only been outside once when they had arrived here and that was for groceries. She had no idea where they were. No buildings or street names looked or sounded familiar. They must have been far from their colleges city, or possibly even state. There were mountains compared to the usual flatland of Florida and fir trees replaced the palm trees.

Initially, Jasper told her, he planned on having them move to Canada together to run from their past life and start something new, without the past haunting him. He wanted her all to herself and he wanted nothing to get in between them. They were going to marry, and Lapis would be his silent wife. It wouldn't be considered rape anymore and he could get away with anything with his charming face and death grip. But the plan had failed, due to them not having a passport or her ID to at least get approved for one.

After dressing into the clothes she had came here with, they were out the door and driving in Jasper's orange mustang. Lapis gazed out the window, hoping to finally figure out where the two were by looking at the highway and street signs. There were no definite clues she could find.

She limped next to her abuser as they entered the grocery store, wincing whenever her thighs rubbed together roughly through her jeans. It was hard to walk for her and you could see the pain she was trying to ignore. She was weak and she knew she couldn't fight back even if she had the courage to run.

Lapis bit her tongue and rubbed her covered wrists, thinking of a way to escape. Though she knew there wasn't a point from lack of wanting to live and having no one to spend it with, she didn't want to give the satisfaction of dying under Jasper's watch. Her eyes scanned around the store, lingering at any idea of freedom but couldn't think of anything to outsmart her captor.

What was even worse was that Jasper had noticed her staring intently at a security camera without herself knowing. She would surely pay for that tonight.

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(Words: 720)

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