𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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I'm too impatient to wait until Tuesday for an update. I hope you like the romanceeeeeee!

Next few chapters won't be so... fluffy ;)

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A week has past since the hangover the two were in and Thanksgiving was drawing near. Some college classes were canceled if the professors wanted to relax and stuff their stomachs with Turkey. Peridot and Lapis were fortunate enough to have the holiday off.

"Aren't you going to spend Thanksgiving with your family?" Peridot questioned as she packed her overnight bag for her family orientated holiday.

Lapis awkwardly smiled and let out a huff of a laugh. "No."

Peridot looked questionably at her roommate. Walking over to her plastic drawers to grab something, she asked why.

"I-" Lapis started, looking away and fingered the pages in her sketchbook. "I need to finish my art project."

"Can't you take your supplies there?"

Lapis ignored her question. She could, if she had a family to go to. Never had she ever spent any holidays with anybody. Sure, there were the caretakers of the orphanage that made an effort here and again but never did they take care of the orphans mental health. It was always only physical pain. Lapis knew they didn't actually care, she made that mistake of attempting to find comfort in one of them.

Peridot noticed Lapis's lack of communicating about the fattening occasion. She wondered why she never talked about her family nor her past. She wanted, no needed, to know more about her. Her body yearns to learn the ins and outs of her history and mind. It felt as if her body would dance in ants when she would curiously think about what she didn't already know about her roommate.

She continued to pack. She was planning on staying with her parents for a night or two. She knew she had to help prepare the unseasoned turkey her mom always made and the plain side dishes that came with it. It would also be way too draining to drive home after dinner. Lapis was usually alone, would she be fine without her for two days? Of course she would, she's the strongest girl Peridot has met. She ranked right next to Garnet.

The blonde finished, not speaking a word with the blue haired girl. She didn't want to leave her alone but she had to. Her family wasn't the... welcoming type. Lapis would surly not enjoy herself in that household, who would? Peridot didn't at all.

Without noticing she left, Peridot turned to ask her about an idea that just occurred to her. She didn't want this girl to celebrate the holiday by herself. She rested a hand on her cheek, contemplating on how she could go about this.

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"Lapis Lazuli, I present you Thanksgiving!"

The sight before Lapis touched her deeply. There was an alien blanket drafted over the prickly green grass and discarded leaves from the oak trees that towered above them. Pillows were thrown carelessly onto the fuzzy covers and Peridot stood atop of one, her feet bare and clean. Her arms were spread out towards her, holding a picnic basket in her hands. She wore the goofiest grin on her freckled face.

The blue beauty tilted her head and smiled at the action her friend was doing for her. Peridot never ceased to make her feel wanted and cared for. Even though she didn't know much of anything about her, she still made an effort to make her feel special.

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