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Lapis was quiet the whole ride that night. Instead of sitting in the back with Peridot, she sat in the passenger seat and controlled the stations playing. Her phone was misplaced from the whole fiasco and she had nothing to play with besides her fingers.

The seat was pulled back when she found a reasonable radio station that played Pop hits ranging from hardcore rap to sad slow songs. Her hands rested behind her head, acting like a pillow over the headrest. The twinkling in her eyes when she looked out the window and up towards the stars was both heart wrenching and warming.

It looked like she was on the verge of calm tears and Peridot couldn't think of anything to say to comfort her. She laid her blonde head on the window of the backseat, staring at nothing and thinking of everything before she fell asleep again that day.

"I'm sorry." Garnet said, softly over the saddening music the car was playing when she noticed Peridot was asleep.

"There's nothing to be sorry about." Lapis blankly stated, her eyes never leaving the constellations above them.

"I just made the situation worse."

Lapis slowly turned her head towards the driver, giving a quick glance at the tired girl in the backseat before responding. "It's better I know than to embarrass myself. So, thanks."

"I still think you should tell her."

And that was the end of the conversation. Lapis turned back to look at the stars above and covered her eyes with the inner part of her arm. Was it so painfully obvious that Lapis had feelings toward Peridot or was Garnet just very observant with her phycology major? Neither mattered.

And slowly, she fell asleep from her exhausted mind.

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"Lazuli, it's time for breakfast."

The nasally voice brought Lapis from her slumber and she groaned. She lifted her arm from her face and noticed dawn was approaching. The sky was turning from a shade of light purple to a glorious orange. The stars she was looking at a few hours ago almost disappeared for the day. Evergreen trees stood tall around the road the car was parked beside.

A 24-hour diner, still glowing it's neon lights before the sun rose, was what they were sitting inside now. Lapis sat in the inner part of the vibrant turquoise booth while Peridot took the outer and Garnet sat across from the both of them. The pair was almost touching by being in the tight booth. If an elbow was lifted, it would skid against the others arm. It was torture for Lapis to be so close to a girl she was falling for and her not enjoy it.

"Welcome to DeeDee's Diner. My name is Blaine. How can I-" The waiter paused at the sight of Lapis's appearance, quickly hid his disgust, and continued, "What are we having to drink?"

After everyone ordered their drinks, he sauntered off with giving Lapis another glance. The blue haired girl looked down at her menu and picked at the corner, purposely hiding her face with her unruly hair from the rest of the diner. She shouldn't have cared what the waiter thought about her, but it only worsened her dispirited thoughts.

Her eyes scanned the page but her mind couldn't process any of the words. The pictures of the entries made her throat burn with acidic bile. Eating wouldn't be the best thing to do right now, she would just upchuck it later.

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