𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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The project Lapis was assigned was due in the next month and she still didn't have a person she admired enough to paint. She tapped her pencil against her open sketchbook, producing her own beat. She had no parents, friends, or idols to paint. Sure, she could just lie, but it would get very complicated when she had to write the essay.

Sighing, she looked up and spotted Peridot surprisingly on her phone. It looked like she was very into her phone, focusing, as if she was playing a game. Lapis always saw Peridot do homework, and she meant always. Never before has she been seen doing nothing relatively to school work.

Lapis kept her eyes on the blonde. She always had her blonde bangs tied up over her head in a cute fashion and the rest of her hair looked like she could care less. There were freckles scattered across her button nose which always perched up her round glasses. The clothes she wore were always on the baggier side and she never knew what her true figure looked.

Peridot could be the perfect person for this assignment. She didn't know much of anything about her nor admire her but it would be fairly easy to just get her help whenever she needed it throughout the essay portion. Lapis thought this would be the best action, due to time and her not-so-social life.

"You know, we don't know much about each other." She started.

Peridot glanced over with a raised eyebrow. Her faced asked the question, 'And your point is?'

"I just figured we could get to know each other. Maybe become friends?"

She was not buying whatever Lapis was saying. There had to be a catch. Why would she so suddenly, with no explanation, want to become close?

When Peridot didn't change her facial expression, she sighed and crossed her arms. "I have an assignment due in a week and I can't find anybody to paint."

"What's the criteria? I'm sure you can find someone better suited for your little art protect." Peridot flicked her wrist to signal her to drop the conversation.

"Actually, I can't. This project started two weeks ago and I can't find a single person who would even qualify." Lapis responded.

"What's the criteria?" She asked again.

Lapis sighed and rolled her eyes. "It doesn't really matter."

"If I'm involved, it does."

Through gritted teeth, she answered. "I have to paint someone I admire and write a six page essay on why. I thought it would be best if I could just base it off you because you're my roommate."

Lapis did not want Peridot to think that she actually cared about their relationship or if they had one at all. She just needed to get her project done. She's already missed two days due to Jaspers beating and if she got a third strike, the professor was dropping her out of the class for sure. And even more, the professor kept kicking her out for not being prepared. She needed to get her shit together.

"Why don't you just draw one of your parents?" Peridot snickered.

Lapis rolled her eyes. She would not tell Peridot anything too personal and seem like a pathetic, vulnerable, lonesome ant. "Just humor me, at least."

The shorter girl sighed and sat up, a look of annoyance spread on her face. "What do you want to know?"

After a shrug and a pause, Lapis replied. "Favorite color, show, season, sport..." she trailed off. She really didn't know what she needed for the painting. Did they even have anything in common for the essay?

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