𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔

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Art by me. I don't care to color.

You can follow my creations on Instagram: @ Pretty.In.Pine.Co

Shameless self promo but I hope you like Peri-Bunny.

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When Lapis came home that following Sunday evening, Peridot's heart broke. She wore a somber facial expression and flinched whenever she put pressure on her limping leg. Her cheerleader costume was screwed about and tattered. Instead of wearing her blue shoes, she carried them and threw them to her side of the room.

Instead of locking eyes with Peridot, Lapis headed straight to the bathroom to shower. Peridot swore when she'd come out they would have the conversation she planned in her head for the past several hours. They were both going to apologize and forget this whole ordeal, even if someone from the party would bring it up to tease them. Peridot twiddled her fingers until the time came.

Steam filled the room as Lapis stepped out of the small bathroom. A towel covered her body and her hair stuck to her neck. The soft fuzzy towel contrasted against her skin tone, making her look like a wet goddess on a cloud. Her fingers held onto the coverage with white knuckles, desperately not wanting to show her nude self. Her long tan legs protruded from beneath the wrap and you could notice bruises and slashes against her delicate skin. Peridot felt her nose become stuffy and it was hard for her to breathe through it.

Oh my stars.

Quickly adverting her gaze before Lapis knew she was staring, Peridot held her nose. Then she looked at her fingers to notice a red liquid. She had a nose bleed. She let go of the breath she held onto whenever she heard the door click again and went to hurry to clean her nose with a Kleenex before she returned.

Stuffing her nostrils with rolled tissue, she started to panic. What if Lapis didn't want to talk to her? What if she was pissed with her? What if things started to go back to how they used to be, not even acknowledging each others presence in the room?

"Peridot, are you okay? What happened to you?"

With a jump, Peridot whipped around to meet a worried face. Peridot just nervously laughed and waved it off, trying to cover her nose with one hand. "Oh, this? I-I-I fell last night. Yeah, clumsy me."

Lapis's eyebrows curved, "You need to be more careful." In no way did she tease her for being clumsy or made a smirk to make fun of her. She looked genuinely upset about her hurt friend.

Peridot bit the inside of her cheek and looked up at her roommate. With controlling her desire to flee the much needed encounter, Peridot blurted, "Lapis, can we talk?"

She nodded slowly, curious and concerned about what the blonde had to say.

Walking over towards her bed, Peridot nervously shook. She cursed at herself as she started imagining all of the possibilities Lapis could react to this dilemma she was having. She would definitely end up laughing and poking fun at her.

"I know being drunk makes everyone do stupid things but why did you do it?" Peridot stumbled to get out the words. She forgot the speech she had recited and improvised.

Lapis's shoulders drooped and she rubbed the back of her neck. "I-I guess I just wasn't... It was a mistake. I ended up...." Lapis sighed and hugged herself. "I was looking for comfort and got the opposite."

"And I'm sorry for that." Peridot said.

"Peridot, it wasn't your fault. You have nothing to apologize for."

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