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Peridot was surprised at the affection Lapis was giving her. She didn't know if she should wrap her arms around her back and return the hug or push her away because she was drunk and didn't want to take any sort of advantage of her. Her whisper confused her, as well. What was she so thankful for? Peridot didn't do anything big enough for her gratitude.

Before Peridot could finally determine what she should do next, Lapis jumped up with a smile. "I love this song!" And with that, she grabbed the blondes wrist and pulled her towards the make-shift dance floor.

Why on Earth did Lazuli want to dance with her? Peridot prayed the aliens would come any second and raid the party.

Once in the center of the bouncing college students, Lapis directed Peridots hands to her shoulders. With a smirk, Lapis grabbed the girls wide hips and then started rhythmically move her own. It was hot in the crowded dorm and Peridot didn't know what to do until Lapis's hands started moving her hips for her to help her dance.

Peridot felt as if she was floating, high above the other students around her. She couldn't think and calculate how she should end them dancing. She was having fun, but didn't think this would be appropriate to preform with her roommate. Yes, they were only dancing, but it felt like they were having even more fun than they should be.

Fuck, we're both drunk. Peridot thought. I have to be the mature one here. I do not want to do something we'll both regret in the morning.

The blue haired adult bit her bottom lip in attempt to hide her smile. Her eyebrows were raised and a mischievous look glinted in her eyes. It only took a tug on her hips for Lapis to bring Peridot closer. The slight flush on her cheeks and a stubborn look on her face made Lapis want to push her buttons even more. She wanted to not hurt the girl, but see more of what embarrassment would bring her to do. She wanted to know how she would react.

Her fingers started tracing the bodice she was wearing, mapping out the curves she knew she wouldn't probably see ever again. A giggle proceeded as the blush deepened on Peridots cheeks. Lapis started massaging the girls sides and earned a small gasp.

"Lazuli, what are you doing?" She hissed, eyebrows furrowed and her fingers holding onto her dance partners shoulders.

"Well, I'm dancing with my roommate." Lapis raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is that a problem?"

Before Peridot could argue, the blue haired cheerleader spun her around and held her close. She held her waist and buried her face in Peridot's neck. She could feel burning on her ear where it touched Peridot's cheek. Lapis took in her scent, it was a old sweet spice smell.

As she let out the breath she had, Peridot tensed visibly. She was too close to her liking. The last drink she had gulped down was not helping her calm her nerves. Soft cold fingers slid down to her lower backside and Peridot audibly cursed. Her emotions were everywhere and the alcohol was not helping the situation she was in.

Lapis giggled again, turned herself around, and bent over. She held onto Peridot's hands, which were placed on her hips, and started grinding to the beat. This sent Peridot over the edge. She could no longer process what was happening. Was she fucking dreaming? This was a nightmare.

Being uncomfortable, Peridot gripped her hips as she watched the action she was doing. She wanted this to stop but all the while couldn't. She found this hypnotic. Lapis's back was curving to every grind she was roughly doing, her muscles tensing whenever she moved, and her ass was round and squeezable in this position. Peridot bit her lip and slid one of her hands to place on the small of her back.

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