𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈

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My gorgeous version of Peri! I forgot to draw her with glasses bc I liked her eyes too much soooo ignore thaaaat. Also she's supposed to have a slight pooch in her belly too so yikes. Anyway enjoy.

Also... Idk why I didn't write them at a beach aaaha...

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It was hard to face Lapis ever since the inappropriate dream that Peridot had but she pushed it to the back of her mind. She wanted to forget the gorgeous girls moans and the way she made her physically feel. Her mind teased her well being with imagining her nude or replays of the dream. She was just a friend and her stupid pants were wanting to say otherwise.

They had decided to go for a night swim in the lake just outside of the college campus. Peridot didn't care much for swimming, personally, but it seemed like a good way to relax under the moon. Mosquitos were an ugly problem in the matter and the fact that she didn't own a swimsuit but the water was warm despite it being Mid-November.

Usually, this place was a hot spot for students and sorority parties but there wasn't a single soul here. Amy took the opportunity to call up some of her other friends to join their own small party. It was just them, Ruby and Sophie, and another couple named Steven and Connie.

With a loud obnoxious laugh, Amy set down her beer bottle after she watched Ruby confidently cannonball into the water to impress her girlfriend. "Watch this, small fry."

The splash she made was undoubtably bigger than the other girls and part of the group cheered. Peridot was nervous about the lake and the containment's it held underneath. There could be alligators waiting to sink their teeth in her fat rolls that you could mistake for sushi or a catfishes barbwire-like whiskers could scrape her skin apart and tear her muscles.

Peridot sat down on a towel she brought and watched as the group slowly emerged into the dark water. She clinked a bottle of beer with Garnet who was sitting just beside her. Apparently, she didn't own a bathing suit either, so she just wore a pair of jeans and a purple T-shirt. Peridot, on the other hand, sported a baggy white shirt and green gym shorts.

"Are you not going to go in?" She looked up to see Lapis. Even in the dim light of the moon, she could still see the hope in her features. She probably didn't want to go in with random people she had just met, and Peridot didn't blame her. But, she didn't swim well and did not want to embarrass herself in front of everybody.

"Uh, not right now." Peridot nervously laughed, itching the back of her neck. "Maybe later."

Disappointment flashed in her eyes but disappeared as soon as it was there. Lapis shrugged, presumably carefree. "Then, could you watch my stuff?" After Peridot agreed, Lapis set her towel, phone, and sandals next to her.

Then, Lapis started to strip. Peridots mouth turned dry as she stared. She lifted her shirt to reveal a blue string bikini that barley could contain her breasts and when she pulled down her shorts, her ass wiggled. The only thing holding her dignity was a pull away from showing the world the rest of her beauty. It was like her dream was coming true.

Lapis folded her clothes and set them next to her belongings. Without looking back at the blonde, she left towards the lake. Her hips shimmied back and forth and with every step, her ass jiggled. She could only imagine how each step would look in the front.

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