𝒏𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔

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You asked for another one so I'm dropping it.

(Catch it please.)

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Another week has past and there was absolutely no sign of the blue haired beauty. Just recently had Pearl call the police to get into the investigation without Peridots consent. However, Peridot did hope that maybe someone with more power could pin down speculations on where she could be when she was useless.

The investigators questioned her of Lapis's last whereabouts and the weeks leading up to her disappearing. They had also asked why they hadn't called the police sooner. Peridot knew all too well that they would've said to wait a few more days to see if she'll show up or she had probably just ran away so she shrugged and told them just that.

And they butchered her with the consequences she already knew that had been her fault. The crime scene that was Jasper's room has been accidentally tampered with by his roommate and the security cameras had been reset for more storage. There was absolutely no evidence where Lapis could be.

Peridot figured she was probably on their top list of suspects.

Now, she was at the dining hall with the three of her friends eating whatever on their respective plastic trays. Peridot had rested her head in her hands and dared to not bite into anything like she had been since she left. She knew that if Jasper had Lapis, she'd be starving and Peridot couldn't eat imagining her dying of hunger.

She was also running low on sleep. Every time she would find herself dozing off, her mind would jolt her awake with thoughts of blame. If only she was stronger to scare Jasper away, if only she had met Lapis before she started dating him, or if only she had went to the police whenever she didn't show up later that night. It was stupid of her to think she could've found her on her own.

For some reason, her mind focused on the loud voices around her in that cafeteria. Usually, for the past two weeks, she had slowly lost her ability to pay attention but here she was, listening to the conversations around her.

"I haven't seen Jasper in a while."

"Yeah, me either. He's the star quarterback, the football team really needs him back." One girl replied to the other, "We've been loosing every game without him."

"I heard he dropped out." Another girl of the three said. Peridot turned her head towards the group that was shimming off in their cheerleader outfits. It must have been Saturday, game day.

"What? No!" One of them gasped. "Really?"

The replies had faded as they walked farther from their table, but Peridot didn't see the need to follow them to ask more of their knowledge. They were just gossiping and they knew absolutely nothing.

"Peridot," Garnets British voice broke her trail of thought, "You need to eat."

She knew she was right. Garnet always was. So, after contemplating all of the effects from not eating and probably getting it all wrong, she began to bite into her French fries. She couldn't help but feel ashamed to be eating and sitting around doing nothing to help her best friend.

Like liquor, the insomnia heightened her emotions. While she was slowly swallowing her food, it clogged in her throat and she let out a sad cough. The coughing fit had soon turned into a tiny breakdown. With the little energy she had left, she moved her plate and rested her head into her arms on top the table. Her friends patted her back and tried to comfort her, but there was no point.

She knew this was all her fault.

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(Words: 617)

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