𝒄𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓

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Peridot cleared her throat. For some reason, she was nervous about asking her dorm member if she was interested in going to Amy's Halloween party this next weekend. It's not like she wanted Lapis to go with her, but she figured she needed to get her mind off of the world around her, as well.

She needed to go buy a costume, she did not want to get drunk by Amy. When Amy was set on something, she would do anything to make it happen. Peridot remembered the way Amy would keep handing her friends drinks to loosen them up. Yes, she was trying to be a friend and be there for them, but it always seemed like she would pressure them into drinking to forget. Being drunk was not fun, especially not the morning after.

It's been years since Peridot had went out Trick-or-Treating, nonetheless have a costume. Her parents stopped whenever she aged into double digits, thinking she was too mature for it. She would not, by any means, be able to fit her thick body into a small costume she had had when she was younger.

Days have passed since the night Lapis came home bruising. Peridot has kept her distance while she was recovering, she didn't want to seem worried about the girl. And she wasn't. She didn't care but she, for some off reason, felt guilty. None of this was her fault, but she didn't know what she exactly felt sorry about.

"Hey, Lazuli?"

A hum of disinterest was heard. She was buried underneath the covers, her fingers aimlessly scrolling on her phones screen. There was some features that she noticed changed since that night. Her hair, on one side, seemed thinner as if it was pulled out and there was a large bump on her forehead that was slowly diminishing. She still stumbled and limped, now and again, but she seemed to be healing her sore wounds.

"My friend is hosting a party-"


She blinked. "You didn't let me finish."

"Peridot Greene. I am not going to a party full of crazy drunken kids." Lapis deadpanned.

The blonde sighed and placed her hands on her wide hips. "Believe me, Lazuli, I don't want to go either. But I think this will be a good opportunity to get our minds off of things."

Lapis shot her head up at her, her face shown anger and disbelief. "You don't know whats best for me."

Peridot scoffed and rolled her eyes. She decided to stop being friendly to this girl, she wouldn't appreciate her attempts. Why did she even try, anyway? They were just pointless efforts. Grabbing her things, she burst open the door and found herself walking quickly towards Amy's dorm room.

Once she knocked on the door, a tall slender woman opened the door. The pale girl greeted her with a smile and asked her to come inside. Peridot went straight to the point. She needed a ride to the Halloween store. She would drive herself, but she didn't have a car. The two dorm mates complied and they made their way to the costume store.

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Observing herself in the mirror, Lapis noticed her locks were ripped and torn. She has been avoiding the mirror, knowing that she was not going to like the person she saw. Jasper pulled a huge chunk of her hair out, and you could totally tell.

I guess it's time to get rid of my long hair, She thought sadly. She enjoyed her long beautiful blue mane but this was before it was ripped out. Sighing, she collected her purse and headed towards her beat up car.

Lapis drove towards a hair salon and waited to be called. The thought of Peridot and the confrontation kept slipping into her mind. She didn't mean to snap at her, but she didn't know her at all to be saying if this party would help her with ease.

If anything, it would heighten her panic of the drunks in the room. What would happen if Jasper were to show up? If there was alcohol, he would be sure to be there. He would hurt her, in front of all those people. She didn't want anybody to see that she was undeniably pathetic.

But, what if Jasper didn't come? She could freely drink and actually forget about everything her brain has been repeating. She could dance on top of a table and sing loudly to the shitty music they would play. She could have fun, even if it was alone.

She weighed her pro's and con's, until she was called up to the chair.

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A groan escaped Amy. She has been trying to help Peridot pick her costume for a half an hour now and she was being difficult. Peridot didn't know what she wanted to be, but she did not want to dress as any of the characters Amy has suggested. She had felt anxious for the past ten minutes and felt overwhelmed by the plastic smelling store. She was about to announce she had given up and just get shamefully drunk but was interrupted.

"Peridot, why don't you let us pick out your costume and you won't have to worry about it?"

"Because, Pearl, I don't trust what Amy would have in mind." The blonde narrowed her eyes. She gazed up at the pale figure in front of her. Pearl had a faded pink trim and cerulean eyes between a pointy nose. She was slim and Peridot sometimes assumed she didn't eat or she was bulimic.

"Trust me, Peridot. I won't do any funny business. I respect you and would never do anything to harm you." Pearl gave a small smile. "Plus, it'll be fun! We could even leave it as a surprise until the day of."

Peridot bit the inside of her cheek, she didn't want to be here anymore but needed a costume. Pearl was being really sweet and offering to help. She truly did not want to become shitfaced at the party and not be able to walk herself back to her apartment. What if something bad happened? What if she did something regretful?

With reluctance, Peridot agreed. "Alright, but there must be ground rules. First of all,--" She held up a finger, signalling the number one, "--I will not wear anything skimpy nor too revealing. Secondly, I will not dress in anything stupid and bulky such as a hot dog or a beer bottle. Third, I will not-"

"I got your costume, Peri-Dude!" Amy shook a store bag in my face, grinning. Neither of the two girls noticed she was gone until now.

Peridot dropped her jaw, "What?"

"I bought your costume!" She turned and headed towards the front entrance, "Now, come on. Before I leave your asses."

Peridot stood there for a moment, asking herself if she should stay and return whatever Amy bought or be left here without a ride and continue finding a costume. She was grateful that Amy bought the costume herself and figured that would be rude even though she did not hear the rules and regulations of this 'surprise.' Shopping always gave Peridot anxiety and she never understood why, exactly. With the thought of being here longer than she could bare, she exited the shop.

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Art by Laliiyeaah on Instagram

(1221 Words)

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