𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒈𝒖𝒆

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I'm gonna try and and do a full week of posting to celebrate my birthday. Although, it's more me giving you presents everyday instead of the other way around lol.

In return, shower me with votes and comments? That'd be a great present from you guys. I love hearing you all enjoying my content.

I just hope I can stretch this story until my birthday, but if I can't... well I'm sorry.

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After a week of recovery, it was time to head back to Florida. The nurses and doctors quizzed and studied Lapis to make sure she didn't have a failed memory. They also helped heal her burns as best as they could and updated her on the procedures they did for her. Thankfully, everything was just fine besides the burns on her skin she'd have to treat herself.

Throughout her week there, news reporters and police came to question her. Peridot shooed the news away after seeing Lapis highly uncomfortable and confused. They asked her pointless questions either she didn't want to answer or knew no answer to.

And during the rapid spitfire of question marks, one made her freeze over her burns.

"What are your thoughts of Jasper's suicide?"

Lapis couldn't stop thinking about it. Jasper and suicide? It just didn't make sense. He was so strong and put together. No one had seen any weaknesses he may have had until the last night she saw him. She had never experienced a breakdown of Jasper's like that.

What would drive him to this outcome? Yes, he was wrong for hundreds of things and guilty for many ordeals but why? What was his excuse to kill himself? Did he not want to go to prison? Or was he holding in so much more than he could tell and wanted to end his own life?

None of her questions would ever be answered now but she did need some time to think.

During the ride, all Lapis did was look out the window and ignore the cars insides. Her mind boggled over the situation she was ripped away from. She never expected Jasper's life to end this way. Not that she imagined the future often. It only held disappointments she was used to. The hope she used to have was long lost.

After what seemed like hours in the car and a halt from her mind racing, Lapis hissed at a sudden contact on her left shoulder. She peered over to see a mass of blonde hair. Looking down at the face, she noticed Peridot sleeping somewhat peacefully with drool escaping a corner of her lip.

Peridot still hadn't gotten used to her normal sleep schedule. She would stay up during the nights and fall drowsy when dawn peeked through the window. It worried Lapis how little she was healthy. Earlier, when they first got into the car, Peridot insisted on her sitting in the middle of the backseat due to it being the most safest if they were to get into a car accident but Lapis had refused and there Peridot sat. She was neither physically nor mentally healthy and Lapis didn't like it.

Lapis rested her cheek on Peridots unruly hair, hoping to think about anything else without upsetting herself. Her hair was soft and smelt like old spice. Thankfully, before they had finally left the stale hospital room, Garnet and Lapis forced her to thoroughly clean herself. She showered, but it wasn't regularly nor great. Lapis hoped things would go back to normal when she arrived home in her bunked college dorm.

"Did you finally figure out your feelings?" Garnet asked, studying her through the review mirror. Her dark brown eyes squinted under the rays of the sun through her sunglasses.

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