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Oops, I dropped another chapter. Third chapter this week. I'm on fire. Hope you like where the story's going.

Appreciate this sketch of Peridot worrying about her doll.

The next few chapters are going to be short to establish a timeline and to make it suspenseful. Enjoy.

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It has been days since Peridot had last seen Lapis and the worry from when she left was now unbearable. She had been calling her friends to see if any of them had seen her, but no one had. Obviously, Jasper had something to do with her disappearing but was she definitely with him?

Lapis disappeared. Peridot thought, running her fingers through her hair. And I need to find her.

Her fingers clicked against her keyboard. The mobile phone of hers was connected by a USB to her laptop. If she could hack into her neighbors WiFi, she could surely track Lapis's cellphone if she had it on her.

She had thought of going to the local police station but decided against it. Thousands of people went missing and they'd do nearly nothing to help locate them. Peridot had waited long enough for her to return, and she figured she'd have to help her return herself.

Rumors of Lapis had been swept around like a tsunami, each adult trading information they had heard around. It made her furious how not one of them knew what actually happened. Words like whore and slut had been paired in the same sentence as Lapis Lazuli's name. She had been raped by the football team you fucktards, Peridot wanted to scream but she didn't. She had kept her promise and stayed silently furious.

Knocking paused her from the search of her phone address and she got up to answer the door. Standing there was Amy, Pearl, and Garnet and rather than asking what they wanted and shooing them away, she left the door open and got back to work.

"Peridot, why don't you just let the police-"

"They won't help." Peridot interrupted, staring at her screen.

"Have you gotten any sleep?" Pearl asked, noticing the circles under her eyes. In response, the girl questioned shrugged and continued typing.

The sleep that Peridot had was minimal. During the day, she could barley pay attention in class and roam the campus to see if she was forced to not come back home and every night she would stay up, worrisome over the vile and distress Lapis was probably enduring. Insomnia had enveloped her mind and she could not conquer it until she had her roommate safe with her.

The trio looked worriedly at each other until Amy said, "Your girlfriend is going to be alright, P-Dot. We'll help as much as we can."

"Fuck!" Peridot cursed, slamming her hands on her laptop, not caring if she damaged it. She started to run her fingers through her hair, "Jasper must've turned off her phone. I can't track it."

A hand placed itself on Peridots shoulder and she looked up from her useless screen. Garnet had taken off her regular sunglasses and looked her in the eyes. The gaze unsettled Peridot slightly, but by this action, she knew that what she was going to say she meant.

"We will find her."

It was nice to have her friends back, Peridot had to admit. Although Lapis didn't care for them, they have helped her through so much during this. She was grateful for them and she knew they'd help find the girl that didn't like them.

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(Words: 568)

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