𝒘𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎

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Ye. I drew my version of the dear Lapis Lazuli. NUDE bc I love drawing naked girls. She kinda sucks tbh, I love drawing thicc girls and drawing thin girls is not my forte. But nonetheless I hope you enjoy.


From the sound of the dorm door opening, Lapis pulled her blanket to cover her bare chest as quick as she could. Panic and embarrassment took over her emotions. She whipped her head around and saw a confused Peridot standing at the doorway.

Lapis was curled in her blue comforter, a blush evident on her cheeks. In between the beds, was a desk that held a mirror, coffee, and some supplies. Peridot watched as her sketchbook slowly slid off of her bed to the floor. She looked back up at the carpet and noticed her shoulders held no shirt.

"Oh my stars, Peridot. Stop staring at me!" Lapis exclaimed, tightening her grip on the bed sheets.

Peridot made a shocked squeak and fell on the floor in shock. Her nose felt clogged and pinched it. She knew a nosebleed was happening now. She adverted her eyes and yelled, "I-I-What do you think you're doing?"

A cute embarrassed whimper came from her throat, trying to find something to explain this. "You-Why are you home? I thought you had class!"

"He canceled!" Her already nasally voice was worsened by the pinch of her nose. Peridot jumped into the bathroom and stuffed tissue in her nostrils to stop the dripping. She closed the door, signaling her roommate to dress.

After another change of Kleenex, Peridot heard a knock on the door. She opened it and glared at her ashamed college friend. "Mind explaining?"

Twiddling her fingers, Lapis replied. "I was, ahem... doing a live model sketch of myself."

"And you had to do it naked?"

"Well, I have to practice drawing boobs!" Lapis scoffed, picked up her sketchbook from the floor, and held it tight. "Besides, you weren't supposed to be here. I wouldn't have practiced if I knew you were going to barge in."

Peridot held back a chuckle at her tinted cheeks and nervous stature. They had been talking religiously for the past few days, even eating dinner and watching their favorite show together. It was a big improvement from the beginning of the year and they both enjoyed it more than before.

Sitting back down on her bed and mumbling, Lapis started doodling on a new page as if she was trying to ignore the embarrassment she held. Peridot let go of it, however, not wanting to push her into another argument. She didn't want to destroy their relationship. She pulled out the notebook and technology textbook from her backpack and sat on her own bed. She started doing her homework.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

Breathing heavily, Peridot jolted awake. Papers were messily thrown about her side of the room and her laptop was in sleep mode on the blanket. Drool was dried on her cheek and her body was steaming. Her eyes darted to the right, looking at her friend peacefully snoring.

What the fuck? Peridot thought and hurriedly went to the bathroom. Why did I just...

Peridot splashed cold water on her face. She wanted to forget the dream she just had of her roommate. It flashed in her mind like a reel of film.

Lapis was beautiful. She had unique blue hair and sparkling ocean eyes. Her laugh was joyful to Peridots ears and her smile gleamed of innocent light. Her skin looked kissed by the sun and as soft as a sheep. Her body was slender and curved in the right places.

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