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Shout out to CapicDaCrate for being my 500th voter! Thank you all so much for giving me hundreds of votes so quickly! <3 :)

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Murder was on his mind. He wanted to see their blood splattered on the wall behind them. He wanted to see their brains fall from the safety of their head. He even wanted to see how many holes he could create into these two that had threatened them.

But something was holding him back.

The screams in the bedroom made his blood turn thick and it felt hard for him to pull the trigger. Those screams were full of torment and desperation. It made his body shake.

The flames were increasingly hot, crawling and snapping at his feet. It was hypnotic, as if it was seducing him into its touch. He'd be burned soon, just like how his love was right now.

This was all his fault. The torture she was enduring, the kidnapping, and the murder he was about to commit. The police would unmistakably capture him, even if he were to survive the bite of the fire.

Jasper looked at the girls who planned on saving his Lapis Lazuli. The blonde wore tears and distress while the other tried to compose herself over the sounds around them. It was a chaotic sight, framed by the growing orange.

The sweat was beading down his face and the object was hard to keep a grip on. It was slick in his hands. Smooth but rough. Soothing but upsetting. Safe but deadly. If he went down this path, he wondered, what would happen?

Hell. He would be in Hell.

The fire. The anxiety. The punishment. The guilt. It would all be attending deep below his grave. But there was no reversing in this road. He was already heading full speed on the highway to Hell.

A choke embedded in his throat. He didn't know why he did all that he did. It had felt nice to diminish the insecurities that stuck out to him. He had been weak and Lapis had made him feel strong whenever he used his fists.

His fathers words always stuck out to him, always pushing him to be better than who he already was. All he wanted to do was impress him. If he saw him now, he would be more than disappointed. He would disown him if he knew what he had done.

He tried to hide his faults the best he could and he did. No one knew the sanity he was slowly chipping away. He hadn't cried in months, possibly a year. Today was the first time he had ever shown weakness to the person he loved so dearly and all he could feel was remorse.

She would die because of him.

Tears freely dripped down his sharp jawline. Again, he was showing his fragile self. He couldn't help the panic he was slipping into. He was falling and no one could save him from the havoc he had built around him.

His mind pondered why he did the unthinkable. Why did he abuse her? Why did he kidnap her? Why did he rape her? He thought she had enjoyed it all but secretly, deep down, he knew what he was doing was for his own pleasure.

I am a monster.

With another choked gasp and loud cry, he gazed into the eyes of the two across the room. "I'm sorry." He cried before he pointed the metal barrel and pulled back the trigger. The bullet then released from its chamber and shot into the intended target.

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(Words: 599)

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