𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒛𝒆𝒅

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Shout out to my boi CrispyCloudPassion for being my 700th voter on this story. Man, I love you guys. my gosh.

Don't fret. Next chapters? FLUFF.

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"Oh! Your tape recorder." Peridot smiled at the electronic on the bathroom counter Lapis had forgotten about. "I'm so glad you've been using it."

Lapis sat on the bathroom counter still, trying to settle the jitters Peridot had given her. The blonde was washing her hands from just cleaning her wounds. She had felt better now, emotionally, but physically, her body ached. Sure, Peridot was gentle but the medicine stung like hell.

After Peridot dried her hands, she picked up the cassette recorder to give to the girl and raised her eyebrows. "It's still recording."

"Oh." Lapis said. She had forgotten all about it when Peridot had arrived back home. She held out her hand to take it but Peridot stopped the recording for her.

"There unfortunately isn't a way to delete on here, so I'll make sure to get you some new tapes to record on." Peridot gave a helpless grin and turned to walk to her bed. "How many times have you recorded without me?"

"Two or three." Lapis followed, wanting her audio diary before something would play without her consent. Peridot was sitting on her bed and pressed the rewind button which freaked Lapis out. "What are you doing?"

"I want to see how much tape you used from when you forgot to end the recording." Peridot frowned, laying her head in her hand, waiting. "Is that okay?"

"No." Lapis answered a little too quickly and snatched her diary back from her. In that process, her finger accidentally jammed into the play button.

"You're-You're perfect just the way-"

Lapis instantly shut off the metal box. She mentally thanked God that nothing embarrassing or depressing played instead. She turned to glare at the blonde who sat with a small look of surprise. "Peridot, this is private."

"Oh." Peridot then nervously laughed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry. I guess I just wasn't thinking."

In all actually, Peridot wanted to know what Lapis was logging about. She didn't want it to seem obvious that she was doing something of the sort but, at the same time, she did want to figure out how much of the tape she had used up since their last log at the hospital and her last log before the whole 'forgotten to turn it off' excuse. It was a simple equation really, but she'd never get to solve it now. Was she pouring her heart into this tape recorder or was she actually saying how stupid this gift was behind her back?

The blue haired beauty walked to her dresser and set it inside her drawer. She turned back to the slightly puzzled blonde, raising an eyebrow after checking the time. "It's almost dinner time. Are you hungry?"

"Uh, yeah." Peridot responded, hopping off her bed and grabbing her green flannel. She hadn't eaten since early in the afternoon, and even then it was just a bag of chips from a vending machine. "What are you hungry for?"

"I'm not too hungry." Lapis said while sliding on a pair of leggings. After she put that on, and Peridot embarrassingly adverting her gaze, she grabbed a bra and a shirt to change into. "Whatever you want is fine."

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