Coming to Forks

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  "Okay Mom, trust me I'll miss you too and I promise to call," I tell my mother wholeheartedly as she hugs me for the fifth time in five minutes.
"I know I know, it's just , I'm really going to miss you two," she replied sadly.

"Mom it's just like Y/N said we'll be fine and I'll miss you too, but I think Phil is getting tired of waiting," Bella told our mother trying to get her into the car. "Oh alright let's get going", she said.

I turned to Bella and looked at the Cactus plant in her hand and asked," Something to remember home?"

" Yea I just love it here, I'm going to really miss it."

" I will to but just think we get to see dad again and Forks, or should I say you considering I visit every summer and you didn't, he was disappointed you know," I told her.

"I don't mean to of course I miss him but after everything that happened with the divorce it's just awkward and you know I don't like being in those situations it's just easier for me."

" I know," and with that we drove to the airport in silence waiting for what's to come.

(Time skip to airport in Forks)

"Y/n you think he came in the Cruiser to get us?"
" I don't know maybe why," i questioned Grabbing my suitcase.

" I was just asking he's the chief now right."

" Yea he's always mentioning it. He's probably waiting to use it against us for some reasons like boys and such," I said with a laugh.

"Isabella, Y/n, hey I missed you too welcome home," said our father or Charlie as Bella prefers to call him while I'd stick to Dad, I've spent more time with him she hasn't been here in years. Once out of my thoughts I rushed to hug Dad he gave me a just as equal hug saying," Y/n wow look at you it's only been a few months and you've grown. I missed having you here but I'm so glad your back."

"Me too Dad,"I said he let go to move to look at Bella his face held an awkward almost unreadable expression " Isabella, you've grown too , I mean I haven't seen you since you were like what this big,"he said making movements with his hands to show her past height.

" Yea I got bigger it's good to see you to Charlie and also it's just Bella now," she said with a just as awkward stance as Dad giving him a small side hug. They really are alike in that way.

"Well then, let's get home." When we walked to the car I couldn't help but smile at all the greenery you can already see I've always love it here and now I get to live her with Dad and Bella again, I just can't help but feel like something is going to happen, good or bad.

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