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It's been a month since the Cullens returned to Forks and I would usually be ecstatic about this.

I mean I have my family, the Cullens, the Pack, and friends but that's the thing even though I'm happy they are here I've been very distant with the pack and I hate it.

I guess I'm only trying to prove a point because I desperately don't want to be away from them and I'm sure they feel the same but they have to understand they are not the only people in my life.

To move on from that Seth has gotten a lot better, he's out of the house hanging out with his friends and me more although there are times he relapse which is okay I mean he lost his father and all because of Victoria and he doesn't even know it.

My sixteen birthday is just around the corner and I'm trying Well hoping things are solved by then, I wanted this to be a day to remember. I sigh and look to the clock and see it's eleven thirty and decide to take a walk.

"Bella, I'm going on a walk I'll see you in a bit." I tell her from her door. "Alright, cool just be back before Charlie he's back. You know how he feels about us being in the woods." I nod and plug in my headphones making my way to some of the hidden trails.

(Time skip)

I've been walking for about thirty minutes now taking short breaks every once in a while. I stopped by the Cullens though to hang out with Jasper for a bit, he is my favorite of course but I wouldn't say that around them. I'm now making my way closer to Lapush by the cliffs.

I'm almost there when I feel a random breeze.

I stop dead in my tracks and look around me taking out my headphones. I gulp now paranoid and walk faster.

I suddenly hear a branch snap and look up to the trees seeing a flash of red and I began to panic.

I made a run for it, dodging every obstacle I could and I picked up my speed as I heard a laugh behind me from I'm assuming Victoria.

I look around me and stopped seeing I'm at the cliffs and I have no where to go. "Well well we'll look who we have here, the little swan." My eyes widen in fear as I slowly turn around to be faced with the red head herself.

"Victoria." I say trying be be confident.

"What are you doing here still?" I ask.

She just laughs and says "That little one is none of your concern. At least not yet but you'll know my goal soon enough."

I look to her and say "Why don't you just leave us alone we've done nothing to you, and I'm sorry about James but we were only protecting ourselves from his relentlessness." She chuckles again before turning angry.

"You see that's where I don't care!" She spat.

"They killed my mate, so I'll only return the favor and take what they love in return." I gasp as she suddenly is closer.

"If that means starting my revenge now than so be it." I now realize she is planning on killing me right here and now and I take in my surroundings quickly trying to find a way out but fail.

"No where to run now." She chuckles enjoying my scared state. I notice I'm possibly close enough for the pack to hear if I call for help I just hope they come.

"Sam!" I yell as loud as I could "Help please! Embry! Jared! Paul! Quil! Leah! Jake!" I quickly in one Breathe somehow yell out all of the names and run dangerously on the edge of the cliff as she follows.

I'm suddenly flung to the ground my head over the edge of the cliff with her on top of me. "This is it. I can't wait to see the poor Cullens suffer." She spat.

But before she could strike we heard Menacing growls and snarls. I smile not looking away from her while she looks.

Her eyes widen in anger and I turn seeing the pack. She looks to me and says "This isn't over." And shoves me hard into to rock.

I let out a hiss of pain as she's gone in a flash. Some of the pack go after her while the others began running to me but suddenly the rock around me starts to crumble.

My eyes widen looking to them in fear as we're not above water this time.

They also have a look of fear on their face as they run quicker but just as who I could tell is Embry reaches me, I fall.

"Ahhh!" I scream and somehow latch on to one of the rocks hanging out about five feet from the top of the cliff.

I see Jake, Embry, and Leah in there human forms now looking over the edge panicked.

Once they see me Jakes eyes widen "Hold on! We're going to get you up.!" He says panicked.

"I let out a few tears and say "Hurry please I'm going to fall!" I cry as I slip a little and sob.

I take a shaky deep breath and look up seeing Jake who is the tallest carefully try to climb down towards me so he could pull me up.

"Jake hurry I can't hold on much longer." I say looking at my now bruised and slightly bloodied hand.

"We've got you!" Leah shouts from the top.

"Just hold on a bit longer." Embry tells me.

Jake is almost to my level when a large breeze hits and the smaller rocks and dust blow into my eyes and I am startled and loose my grip.

"No! Y/n!" I hear the others shout as I plummet towards the ground. I close my eyes tightly waiting for something to happen only to feel nothing.

I open my eyes and see I'm safe and in someone's arms. I look up seeing a very panicked Sam who caught me now human.

Still in shock I just stare at him as he pulls me close. I eventually hug him tightly and say "Thank you. But how did you know i was gonna fall?"I ask wiping my tears.

"I didn't but something told me I need to come down here in case." He said to me now putting me down. I go to speak and we hear branches snap coming from by us.

I turn and see the pack there looking at us. I look to the pack and say "Thank you for saving me. I would have been dead if you wouldn't have shown up and I know we haven't been on good terms but...." I realize I'm just nervously rambling and just say " So yea thank you." "Even if we aren't in the best place right now." I say sadly going to walk away.

I feel something soft touch my and and feel my sleeve of my shirt get pulled back towards them. I see Jake and look at him confused.

They all walk off and I stand there waiting. They suddenly all come out of the woods and rush to hug me. "We're so sorry, we never meant to hurt you." Were always here for you." "Don't ever scare us like that again." Were the few things I heard.

We all laugh and smile quickly forgiving each other until we hear a "mmhm." From behind us.

I turn to see Sam standing there with his arms folded I sigh letting go of the others and walk towards him. I go to speak but am cut off " You are the most danger prone person I have ever met in my life." Sam says.

"And that scares me so badly all I want to do is protect you, I mean you are my little sister after all. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry because in the process I didn't realize all I was doing was pushing you away. So please forgive me and come back to us, I - we miss you." He says genuinely.

I smile to him and say " Of course." He lets a grin slip and I say "Oh come on." And open my arms to which he laughed and hugged me.

We pulled apart and he said " What do you all say we go to Emily's for some lunch huh?"

"Yes absolutely, her food is one of the thing I missed the most." I say as the others laugh while some looked fake offended.

(Time skip)

After eating lunch and catching up with them for the rest of the day we say our goodbyes and I walk home, well not alone Leah is in her wolf form keeping an eye out for me, Sams order.

I get home and change into my y/f/c pajamas. I look in the mirror and brush my y/h/c hair and lay down closing my eyes thinking of my sweet sixteen.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now