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It's the next day and around four o'clock as I sit in the living room with Dad since I just made me a cup of y/f/d.

I sit down and say " What's with the headline?"

As I point my finger at it.

Dad sighs and tells me "There's a lot going on in Seattle, hopefully it will clear up soon."

I just nod my head and sit.

As Dad and I were talking more about the paper we hear the door open.

I turn my head and see Bella and chuckle. "Right on the dot." She shakes her head at me with a small playful glare and sits on the couch with Dad.

He looks to her and says " Y/n's right, four o'clock in the dot. That kid trying to brown nose me now or something?" He asks.

I laugh and say "He has a name."

Bella nods with me and says "Now he's to punctual for you?" Dad sighs while dropping the newspaper and turns to face her while I sit and listen.

" Okay. You understand why your being punished right, both of you?"

"Yea Dad." I say annoyed still by this and guilty at the same time.

I was only trying to save Edwards life and I'm punished for it, of course he doesn't know that.

" Yea, we put you through hell." Bella answers for us. Dad looks at me and then Bella " Yes, you did."

I sigh sad we hurt him like that.

Bella looks to me and gives me a sympathetic smile trying to make me feel better.

I send her a small smile back and look back to Dad.

"But I have other reasons for grounding you Bella." He says only mentioning her.

I look up confused while Bella looks curious. "Like ughh," He pauses and sighs looking down trying to find the right words moving his hands around.

"I just want you to get some type of... separation." He finally puts together.

Well Bella won't like that.

Bella sighs "Dad. Edward is in my life." She tells him.

He looks away from her sighing and then looks at her again picking up his beer " Yea I'm gathering that." And takes a sip.

"So, alright how about this make ya a deal." He now is facing her.

"Your not grounded anymore if you use your new found freedom to see some of your other friends too, like Jacob." Once I heard Jakes name I physically cringed remembering our last encounter.

Bella looks just as uncomfortable as Dad continues.

" He's going through a really tough time right now. His dad's really worried about him. I remember when that was you two." He says now bringing me back up.

I look down at my feet remembering how hard it was when the Cullens first left and how Jake was there for us.

Dad nods to us "You both needed a friend and Jake was there." He finishes.

Bella nods while I say " Ok Dad."

We both get up and Bella leads me to her room and I say "What are you doing?" She sits on the Bed and tells me " Charlie's right. I'm calling Jake." I nod and sit next to her.

The phone continues to ring until it reaches voice mail.

I look to her and say "I'll try."

And pull out my phone. I dial his number and once again no answer. I sigh and look to her.

She stands up and walks to her dresser.

I decide to speak up "What are we going to do? He won't talk to us and it's all our fault." I say bring my hands to rub my face and fall back on the bed.

"We have to try and fix this." I continue.

"I agree, but we have to get him to talk to us again." She says just as concerned.

She pulls out a white folded paper and opens it up reading it I assume.

I look at her curiously "What's that?" She looks to me shyly and says "Nothing just, notes." I don't believe her but nod anyway.

She suddenly grabs her keys and says "Come on Y/n, we have to fix this."

While grabbing my hand and I say "Yea let's go."

We make it outside and hop in her truck. Bella tries to start it but it wouldn't work. "The hell?" I question looking at her.

She looks to me just as angry and confused. She tries again and fails so she hits the steering wheel and lays back thinking about why it isn't working.

I sigh and also lay back when suddenly a sound scares both Bella and I so we jump and look out the window by me.

We both sigh as I say "Edward." Angrily.

"You scared us." Bella tells him.

He just nods casually and says " Going down to the reservation huh." We both look to him shocked as to how he knows.

I scoff annoyed with him as I put two and two together.

Bella just says "How did you even..." But pauses figuring it out and says "Alice." She shakes her head and her face lights up with realization.

"Hey, did you do this to my truck?" She says angrily.

"Obviously." I say to her while glaring at him and then continue "He doesn't want you to see Jake, or me to go see the pack." She looks to me and then Edward "Is that true." He looks down than speaks up.

"Bella you have to understand, your safety is everything to me. You too Y/n, what do you think the others would do?" Bella just scoffs as he says this as I continue to glare.

She looks back at him and says "Jacobs not going to hurt me, or Y/n."

" Not intentionally, but wolves have no control.." I cut him off and say "Last I checked the same can happen to vampires." I spat in anger.

He looks down sadly while I think to him "sorry" he just nods as Bella says "Edward. I have until graduation to see him. And as for Y/n, you can't keep them away from her." I look to Bella appreciatively.

"She's right, you can't." I state now thinking of all the drama because of me being on both sides, vampire and wolf.

Bella than continues saying "Exactly, than I'll be one of you and he'll leave me forever." I can tell it hurts her to say that but I also know she would put Edward first.

He looks away than back at us not having anything else to say.

Bella looks to him and than me saying "Let's go."

I nod hopping out the car and leave him standing there.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now