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It's been three days since Renesmee was born and Bella was given the venom. She's getting better and better each day looking more alive than ever in a way.

I sigh and look at Edward who is holding Ness and smile, it's hard to believe he hated her at one point but that's behind us now.

We all stop suddenly hearing Bella's heart stop and smile to each other.

"She's awake." Edward said with a large smile.

He stood up and came over to me with Ness " Y/n, can you watch her?"

"Of course." I say with a happy smile making silly faces at her as she laughs.

(3rd pov)

Bella's eyes shoot open a bright red color deep and dark as blood. She looks around taking in the world around her, her senses heightened times one hundred.

She then focus on Edward who is looking to her in awe as he holds his hand out for her to take.

She picks her hand up looking at it and examining herself and then takes his hand in hers. Her hand then trails all the way up his arm as he puts his other hand on her check lovingly.

"Your so beautiful." He says.

They smile at each other and he says "Were the same temperature now." They then walked over to the mirror as Bella took in her appearance.

She smiles brightly turning back to Edward who smiles also she then surprises him pulling him into a tight hug.

He groans in pain but laughs lightly saying "Hey Bella, your a lot stronger than me right now."

She lets him go and he says "It's your turn not to break me." She smirks playfully pulling him closer making him laugh.

"I love you." She tells him.

"I love you." He tells her back as they kiss passionately until they hear someone clear their throat.

They both turn surprised to see Y/n standing there with a smile. "Nice to see you to sis." Bella smiles widely and is at her sisters side in a second pulling her close just like Edward except Y/n can handle the pain being just as strong and maybe even stronger than a newborn due to her abilities.

"Your here." Bella says.

Y/n chuckles "Of course I am, where else would I'd be?" She says.

Bella pulls away and then hugs the y/h/c again "I love you."

"I love you too. And never scare me like that again." Y/n says with a laugh.

Bella pulls away laughing too "I guess you could say we're even now after you were turned."

"I guess so." They laugh and then Edward says "Where is she?"

"Rose snatched her a while ago." Y/n said with a light chuckle.

Bella's eyes widen at this with a large smile "Renesmee."

Edward and Y/n smile.

"She's incredible." Edward tells her.

"More than that, she's perfect Bella." Y/n added with a smile.

"I bonded with her and her with me, just thought you'd want to know." Y/n says.

Bella smiles "It's fine, it only makes you guys closer which I love."

"Now I have to see her." Bella says going to speed away but only to be stopped by Y/n grabbing her wrist.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now