The cliffs, and new friends?

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I've finally made it down to LaPush and found one of the trails that lead to the cliffs above the beach. The walk is so peaceful, it makes me feel at ease.

To be able to be there and smell the fresh forest air and to hear the sound of birds chirping, it's like the world can be fine right here and right now.

I can see the ocean now I must be close to the top, so I kept walking till I reached the edge. " Woah, this is beautiful," I said to myself quietly.

I almost tripped when I suddenly heard a voice say, "Yea it is, at least until you fall off." I turn quickly to see three boys with tan skin and dark brown hair.

They had no shirts on and I mean it's not warm weather in Forks but I than looked to there faces two looked a year or two older than me while the other looked maybe twenty.

The older one spoke up and said," Sorry Jared here didn't mean to scare you it's just that it's dangerous here by yourself and not such a good idea to be that close to the edge."

"Oh well thanks for letting me know," I told them while looking at the water not really caring having grew up here obviously knowing this.

"Are you from around here we've  never seen you on the reservation," he asked me.

" Yea I uh live with my Dad again, Charlie Swan."

" Wait your one of Chief Swans kids," he asked.

" Yea my name is Y/n, nice to meet you."

I suddenly looked the oldest in the eyes as I introduced myself he looked startled and confused, so I looked at the other two and they did they same, oddly after that I felt connected to them somehow.

" Uh you three okay," I chuckled.

" S-sorry I'm Sam it's nice to meet you," the eldest said. "I'm Paul," the second one said. "Jared, hey you  should come by we're having a bbq it's not far from here," the last told me.

"I would love to but I kinda just met you guys and my Dad wants me home before dark," I told them with a laugh.

"Okay at least you know stranger danger, but seriously  Y/n it would be fun and we're not the bad guys, plus we saved you from falling off a cliff," Paul told me with in a teasing tone.

"I was not gonna fall, but maybe I'll come by if my Dad lets me."

" I should get going but it was nice to meet you three," I told them.

" Yea see you around Y/n , and do think about it," Sam said.

I start walking back home and couldn't help but feel that I trust Sam, Jared, and Paul. I think this is going to be the start of  an good friendship between us.

~ I decided to add something called a Bond that both  shifters and vampires can make, it's not in the romantic way depending if they have a mate or imprint already. It's more of wanting to be there for them and protect them, it makes them feel like a family. It comes second the imprints and mates, but still very important to the bonder.~

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