"What happened to me"

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Once they left Jasper is quick to grab Edward by his shirt and say "What is going on? Where is Y/n!" He shouts.

"Jasper stop." Alice says sadly.

The other look confused and Carlisle says "Edward, Bella, Alice what's going on, now." He says sternly worried for the girl he sees as a daughter.

Bella at this just falls to the ground no longer able to compose herself and she cries hard and says "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Edward hold her close while the others look to her wide eyed. Jasper lets out a shaky breath and says "Is she hurt?"

Edward looks to his family sadly and says "She's- Shes gone. Victoria She, she killed her." Esme let's out a loud gasp as she falls into Carlisle side and sobs him looking to Edward shocked.

Rose looks to them and slowly goes to the ground her hands on her face sobbing as well. Emmett stood there glossy eyes not knowing what to do, all he felt was anger, no rage.

Jasper looks to his family and then the ground eyes glossy and says "Where is she?" So low it may as well been a whisper.

"With Seth. We told him to stay with her." Edward says.

Jasper and the others say nothing and speeds away following the scent to her. When he gets there he slowly walks to her side looking to her body and falls to his knees.

His eyes meet Seth's who are broken and he can feel no emotion radiating of him, he's never felt someone feel so empty.

He looks to her and for the first time ever in his immortal life, he began to sob.

He tried to cry as hard as he could, they all did but no tears fell.

A while later Bella decided she had to go see Jacob and tell them what happened.

She drives up quickly in her red truck and hops out seeing the pack all outside with worried faces.

She walks up to Billy "Hey.." But is cut off by one of Jacobs pain filled screams.

Billy squeezes Emily's hand for comfort hating to hear his son in this pain.

She looks up to the rest of the pack and Quil says "It's been going on for a while."

"Docs Re-breaking his bones." Embry says not looking at her.

"Why did he have to bud in I could have taken it." Leah says.

"Give it a rest Leah." Paul says fed up with her guilt.

She looks to him with a glare.

Embry looks around and says "Where's Y/n, figured she'd want to see us after this." Embry said. The others nod and before she could say anything the door opens revealing Carlisle.

"The worst is over, he'll be alright." He pauses and then says "I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drop."

Billy looks up to him and says " Thank you." And hold out his hand for Carlisle to shake.

He gladly does so and says to Bella "He's asking for you." Bella nods and looks to see Carlisle's pain in his eyes and his whole demeanor has changed from optimistic to just sad.

She sighed before heading inside.

She walks in to see him laid down on his bed sweat covering his bandaged body.

"Hey Jake." She says softly.

He looks up with a light smile and says "Hey."

She walks in and goes to his side as he says "I was worried about you." She smiles lightly "Worried about me?"

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