"I'll never leave you"

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They all rush to my side and hug me tightly and if I was human I'd sure I'd be in pain.

I laugh and say "I'm okay." They all pull away smiling yet still sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Jasper speaks for them "Y/n, you've been dead for almost three days. We thought- we thought you were gone." He says glossy eyed.

I look down in guilt and he says "Don't, it's not your fault."

I look up and say "Everything is so clear, I feel so alive, as weird as that sounds." With a wide smile the world around me much so clear and new.

They all look down laughing but Carlisle says "Yes, but now that we're all here I can explain why you, yes are a vampire but at the same time are partly human." The others look to him confused and he says.

"Listen." They do and one by one look to me wide eyed.

"Your heart, it's beating. Barley but it is." Edward says.

"So How is that possible?" I ask.

"Why don't you go tell the others your ok before anything." I immediately gasp and say "Seth!" "Oh I can't imagine how he feels, I need to find him now."

And I speed to the other side of the room unintentionally but I'm stopped by Alice.

"You can't just yet." I look to her confused wanting nothing more but to find him.


"Your a newborn still, blood will affect you." I nod and say "So I don't have control." I say sadly.

"Possibly." Carlisle says.

While the others and I look to him confused. He goes to speak until Edward cuts him off "It's to risky."

"We have to know, and you can't keep Bella away from her." I gulp in fear.

What if I hurt her.

Edward opens the door and comes back with a red puffy eyed Bella.

She sees me and before they could do anything lunges at me pulling me into a hug which I carefully return under the others watchful eyes.

The nervously say "Well."

I now take in Bella scent and immediately am tempted to attack her but at the same time it's ike I have some type of control to hold me back. "I mean she's tempting but I can fight it, compared to what you all described."

"Interesting." Carlisle says.

She hugs me again and says "Never do that again." I laugh and say "No promises, and I'm sorry you had to go through that."

She just smiles saying "I'm just glad your back." Rose puts her hand on my shoulder saying "Go get em." And I smile running out of the house and see him sitting not far on a log.

I take in his scent expecting some type of stench or temptation but instead smell fresh oak and a muffin like smell or some other baked goods.

I can hear his uneven breathing as he cries lightly.

I slowly walk towards him and say lowly "Seth."

He slowly looks up in front of him and then turns behind him seeing me. Once I make eye contact it's like the world around me disappeared, He was all that mattered.

I was confused on what happened until I thought "Mate."

He must be mine like I am his.

His eyes are glossy as he slowly stands.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now