Accident,and Bella knows?

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After that crazy weekend it was back to good ol school for me, great.

A lots happened since I've been back and my life is being pulled in so many directions I feel like I'm losing control, but I'm still glad that things are like this I've never felt so happy yet confused.

I sigh walking towards Bella's car since it's the end of the day and I'm preparing myself to hear all about what she has to say considering Edward finally came back.

He already explained everything to me and we've hung out since he's only been at home with the others.

I even meet Dr.Cullen or Carlisle as he prefers me to call him and his wife Esme.

I love them, they treat me like I'm their daughter and they love having me around.

It's weird to have an instant family and it's even weirder since the pack is my family to, and growing.

According to Sam Embry will shift next then Jake and Quil possibly after. He's not sure but I already care about them anyway, it's bound to happen.

I also met Paul and Jared's imprints Rachael and Kim, they are very nice and pretty. I can't help but want to have a soul mate myself it sounds perfect.

Even vampires have them but there called mates.

It explains why there all together which I think is sweet and romantic. "Hey Y/n," Bella says ripping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh hey Bells." I tell her standing by the truck.

"I have so much to tell you. To start Edward is suddenly being nice to me like nothing happened the first day." She says looking for her keys in her bag.

He mentioned to me he wants to protect her but can't stay away, he wants to be with her but is scared and worried of the consequences.

"I'm can't wait to hear all about it," I tell her.

"I know it feels like we haven't talked all month with you running around everywhere," she says.

"Sorry, I've made some.. uh friends and we like to hang out." I say trying to find an excuse to cover up for me being with the Cullens and the Pack.

"Whatever, lets go," She says as she finally finds her keys putting her ear bud back in.

She looks behind her at Edward one last time and begins walking to her side of the car when we hear a loud screeching sound.

I see Tyler's van coming straight towards us and I scream and back into the truck. Bella does the same and we sit waiting for impact but it doesn't come.

I open my eyes to see Jasper looking at me with extreme worry protecting me from the van.

We're both to shocked to move.

I then look over to see Edward had shielded Bella and she looked at him frightened and in awe not noticing me or Jasper.

They both took this as their time to quickly run away, not before both give me one last look to be sure I'm ok.

I stand up only to be pushed back down by a worried Angela and Eric while Jessica and Mike were with Bella. I turn to see Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie check to see if I was ok from a distance.

I nodded to them signaling I was ok and they decided since I was fine to get in the car and leave to check on Edward and Jasper but I could tell they were still worried.

I can already hear the lecture I was gonna get.

"Y/n, Bella I'm so sorry." I hear Tyler say.

"It's ok it's not your fault ," I tell him with a sympathetic smile.

He looks unsure and still very guilty at me as the paramedics arrive.

(Time skip to the hospital)

I'm sitting on a bed next to Bella waiting for a doctor while Dad was yelling at Tyler and threatening him but Bella and I defended him.

Suddenly the curtain opens and I see Carlisle he rushes over to me doing a quick check.

"Y/n how are you feeling anything hurt," he asks worried. " No I feel fine the truck didn't even touch me," I tell him with a look.

He nods relieved but I can tell he'll want me to explain how I'm not hurt. He than goes to Bella and does the same check on her.

"You both seem in perfect health besides being shaken up a bit, but that's understandable in this case."

"If it wasn't for Edward it would have been much worse," she says suddenly.

Damn it Bella you had to say something I say in my head.

"Isn't that your boy,"Dad asks him. "Yea it was amazing he got to us so quickly. It was amazing," she tells him.

"Yes, well I'm glad he was there," he tells her with a forced smile.

Even though I know he is concerned over them being caught.

Dad opens the door leading us to a hall way," I've got to go sign some paper work, you should probably call your Mom," he tells us.

"You tell her? She's probably just freaking out," Bella said grabbing her phone.

We both walk away to talk to Mom when we see Edward, Rose, and Carlisle talking very seriously.

Oh no I think as Bella becomes quickly interested. They turn to see us standing there. Rose looks at me relieved with a smile but then her frown comes back looking towards Bella.

I go to follow Rose and Carlisle so Bella and Edward could talk alone. As I turn the corner I'm suddenly pulled into a huge hug.

"I'm so glad your ok we were all so worried," Rose tells me.

"I'm ok Jasper got to me in time make sure to tell the others I'm fine too. I don't want them to worry."

She nods with a smile seeing my Dad walk behind me putting a hand on my shoulder," Come on, let's get Bella and go home.

All I can say is once again... what a day.

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