Welcome home

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To say the car ride back to the house was awkward is an understatement. It's complete silence with me in the back looking at the passing forest through the window, while Bella was in the passenger seat and Dad was driving.

I rub my hands through my y/h/c , y/h/l trying to find something to entertain myself and began to messily braid it. Suddenly Dad speaks up trying to start a conversation I presume" Your hairs longer," he motioned towards Bella. " I cut it since last time I saw you," she responded.

I physically cringed at the horrible beginning of the conversation. " Oh, guess it grew out again," he said as we pulled up to the house. It looks just as I remembered it. I can't hold in the excitement as I leap out the car and go to the trunk to get my bags.

I can hear Dad chuckle at my actions. He leads us inside and up the stairs saying," I cleared some selves in the bathroom." " Oh yea one bathroom," Bella said. He brought her into her old room while I just went to mine.

I looks at my room and just take in the looks of my y/r/t/s ( your room theme or style). The walls were still y/f/c with my things where I remember leaving them. I go and lay on my bed taking in the familiar comfort. I jumped slightly as Dad came in " I see you've had no trouble settling in huh,"he said with a smile. "You know me I'm just happy to be back."

" I'm glad without you or even Bella it's not the same. I just hope Bella likes it here as much as you do."

"I have a feeling Forks will grow on her don't worry," I told him." Come on I have a surprise outside go grab Bella," he told me.

I get off my bed heading towards Bella's room and go to lean on her door post " Bella Dad said to come outside he has something he wants us to see." She looked up at me confused but came with me none the less.

We step outside to see Dad with Billy and Jake. I can't hold in my excitement and call towards him " Jake!" He turns his head and quickly sees me and a smile forms on his face and he runs towards me and we embrace each other. " Y/n!"

"It's been a while I'm so happy your back, without you around, hanging with Embry and Quil can be boring," Jake tells me.

"I missed you to and the others, will have to meet up and hang out. Or ever better we could surprise them!" I say just as excited. After the hug he looks towards Bella and I can see a light blush come across his face.

He's always had a crush on her not sure she honestly noticed. He's sixteen, a year older than me but Bella is seventeen almost eighteen. I turn to Billy Jakes dad and give him a hug as well he's like and uncle to me. " Billy it's good to see you."

" It's great to see you to Y/n let's say we're all glad your back, and I hope you do come down to LaPush to visit and come to the bonfires," he told me. " Trust me, I wouldn't miss it" We turn out attention back to Bella and Jake.

" Bella you remember Billy Black," Dad said. " Yea. Your looking good." She gestured towards him.

"Well I'm still dancing. I'm glad your both here Charlie here hasn't stopped to about you both since he found out you were coming." Billy said with a smile. " Alright keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud," Dad said towards Billy. "After I ram you in the ankle,"He responded and chased him in his chair. Bella and I both laugh at this.

Jake then walks towards Bella to say hello " Hey, I'm Jacob we uh we used to make mud pies when we were little" " Oh right, I remember that," Bella told him.

"And we can't forget how Y/n would follow us around and do whatever we did," Jake said.

"Hey it's not my fault I had no one better to hang out with," I laughed.

"Are they always like this," she asked Jake.

"It's getting worse with old age," he chuckled.

"Well what do you think," he asked us touching the old truck by us. "What?" We asked in sync. "Your homecoming present," he said.

"This?" Bella questions pointing to the truck.

"Just bought it off Billy here," Dad said.

"I totally rebuilt the engine," Jake told us.

"Oh come on, really. Oh my gosh this is perfect," Bella and I said in excitement. Bella then hopped in the front while I went in the middle then Jake.

"When do I get to drive it," I asked.

"Your fifteen," Bella stated.

" Whatever it's still our car, and you driving me around doesn't sound to bad," I told her. She playfully glared at me then smiled. Jake then started explaining how it works to Bella."Do you want a ride to school," she asks.

" Oh I go to school in the reservation," he told her. " Oh yea right, it would have been nice to just know one person," she said.

I was disappointed myself Jake is one of my only friends here and I have to go to a school where I don't know anyone, well besides Bella. Even though we're sisters and she's older we're like best friends.
We said our goodbyes to Billy and Jake and went inside. Bella and I went in her room to come up with what school will be like tomorrow, but those were only guesses.

I went downstairs to find Dad I had a question to ask him. " Hey Dad I was wondering if this weekend I could maybe go to the Clearwater's," I asked hoping I could go see my best friend Seth.

We were always attached to the hip as kids and when I had to move we were both heartbroken but promised to still see each other when we could, and we did every summer we would always be together.

"Yea sure I don't think he knows your back yet and staying I'm sure he'll be really happy."

I smiled at the thought. "Thanks Dad, and also I'm going to go on a walk to LaPush , I want to see the trails with the cliffs by the beach."

"Okay, but it's getting dark soon so hurry back," he told me.

" Thank you" I go to run out when he calls my name " Y/n!"

"Yea Dad" " Please be carful," he said. I nodded towards him and walked out the door.

~ please leave your thoughts below so excited to write this fanfic!!!~

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