Oh no

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I was sitting at home with Dad and Billy waiting for Jacob to arrive so they could hear the "news" from Bella.

I was sat on the couch waiting until I heard from a distance the motorcycle he rides, he pulled up and walked inside being greeted by his father.

"What's going on?" He asked confused as to why we were all here.

Billy looks up to him "Hey son, Bella called Charlie."

At that he quickly walked over to Dad to see what he had to say.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." Dad greeted as they shook hands.

"You've heard from Bella?" Jake asks getting straight to the point. Dad nods his head saying "They're extending there trip, seems Bella caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better to travel." I look to Jacob waiting for a reaction.

He sighs heavily concealing his anger saying "She's sick."

"Yea she told me not to worry but she sounded- I don't know off." Dad told him.

"She'll be okay Charlie." Sue said coming from the kitchen reassuring him and yeah that happened.

"Come on let's eat." She said to us as she set the plates down. I sigh and walk to the table only to be grabbed strongly by Jacob.

I look up to him seeing his anger as he says "Can we talk, outside?" I nod my head saying yes as we walk out the door.

After walking to the woods behind the house he says "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know Jacob all she said when she called was that she was sick, I don't know anything else yet." I lied for Bella's sake.

He shakes his head laughing getting angrier "Your lying, She tells you everything."

"Exactly she told me what she wanted me to know." I say going to walk away to his strongly grabs my arm yanking me back to him making me let out a snarl. "What the hell Jacob?" I yell now getting angry myself.

"I only want to know what's happening to her and I'm not like Charlie I want the truth. You can't lie to me." I take in a deep breath still trying to pull my arm away while not losing control at the same time.

"Have you ever considered maybe she doesn't want you to know!" I yelled at him ripping my arm free.

He looked to me wide eyed "I don't care, I deserve to know." He said again coming close again clearly not in control of himself.

I use my powers slamming him into a tree causing it to crack while he shifts completely and tries to come and me.

I quickly leap into a tree high as he growls at the bottom. My eyes turn red as I force him to lay down.

I jump down and reach his level. "Enough, if she wants you to know she'll tell you. Your being reckless, I know you don't want to hurt me or her."

At that I shoved him several feet away and walked back to the house so he could cool off but I stop once I see him with a determined look on his face and he leaps on his bike.

Oh no.

I quickly speed to the Cullens and arrive way before he does.

(Time skip)

They all jump as I suddenly appear I walk over to where Bella is laying and say to the others "Jacobs on his way and he's pissed."

At that I could see the worry in Bella's eyes so I sit down next to her and take her hand in mine as she leans into my comfort.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now