More worries

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(3rd pov)

It's a dark night in Seattle and several growls can be heard.

On a dock Riley is standing over the newborns he created and watching them as they feed and attacked each other.

He stops and turns suddenly hearing sobs, so he follows the sound to a young teenager huddled on the ground her arms holding her legs to her chest.

He slowly gets down to her level as she says "What did you do to me?" She is clearly scared and panicked. She holds her throat tightly in pain as her thirst kicks in.

"Im so..." the girl goes to say but is cut of.

" Yea, I know. We'll find you someone to drink." He tells the girl.

She just sits there still scrared and confused, but screams as two vampires are fighting and one breaks the others head off killing them. Riley looks to them than back at her "Just try not to get killed." He stands looking around him.

" Im gonna need numbers."

(Your pov)

A few days later Bella and I are at the Cullens trying to learn more about who is after us and why.

We're all gathered in the living room as the news comes on "Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled about the murders and disappearances." The news women spoke.

I sigh laying back next to Jasper.

Carlisle is on my other side and Emmett is sitting in a chair next to us.

I look up seeing Bella and Edward walk into the room. "We're going to have to do something about this." Carlisle says Turing off the tv. "It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage there reporting." Jasper says.

He looks to everyone "Quite a few more."

He continues. "There not disciplined, conspicuous,.." Jasper says putting facts together.

"Newborns." Edward speaks up.

This catches everyone's attention making Bella confused but I already knew what they are "What like new vampires?" Bella asks.

"It's the first few months after the change." Edward tells her.

"It's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst." Jasper names.

Emmett speaks up with a grin "Something to look forward to." Bells looks uncomfortable as he tells her this knowing she will be like that soon enough.

" No ones trained these newborns but this isn't random." Jasper tells us.

Carlisle is leaning forward holding his hands together thinking until he says "Someone's creating an army." At that I tense up worried for all of our safety.

Jasper senses this and grabs my hand for comfort and a wave of calmness takes over "Thanks Jas." I mumble.

He just nods with an uneasy smile.

Emmett hops up now standing on the other couch excited "Well now we're going to Seattle." And gets down.

I sit there still thinking and trying to figure out who would do all of this when Bella says " An army of vampires." Sounding worried.

"And they'd be created to fight someone." I say speaking up now.

Edward looks to me and says "We're the only clan even close to Seattle."

"If we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they let it go on this long." Carlisle says confused.

"Maybe there behind it." Edward says getting our attention. "In Italy, I read Aros mind he wants me and Alice to join them. He knows will never choose them as long as our family is still alive." Jasper looks angry at the mention of his mates name and says " An army could solve that for him." Bella I both can't help but feel worried at this point as we look to each other.

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