Some fun and explanations

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Today I decided to hang out with the pack while Bella and Jacob had there time together.

I pull up in the backyard my bike coming to a stop and pull off my helmet seeing everyone's excited faces as they come out of the house.

"Y/n!" I hear them say.

I laugh "Oh its so nice to feel loved." I tell them getting off of it and putting down the kick stand.

I'm pulled into several hugs.

"Glad your back." Sam says "Good to be back, I've had a lot going on with uh Bella." I say trying to come up with an excuse not having to do with the army.

"Uh huh sure and that bike is a death sentence." Jared says pointing to my motorcycle.

"Who let you even ride that?" He continued.

I laugh "Well Jake fixed it up and my Dad agreed so back off." I tell him annoyed by his protectiveness.

I go to say something else that's smart until I hear another voice "Y/n?" I instantly smile hearing Seth's voice so I turn and go to hug him which he gladly returns.

"What are you doing here?" He ask still smiling.

"Just visiting Leah and Emily." I say with a teasing voice.

I hear a few scoffs "Um what were way better company." Embry said.

At this Leah punches him in the stomach "Please we all know who her favorites are." And comes up to me with a high five.

They continue to bicker over this so while they are distracted I get the idea to hop back on my bike and position the back wheel into the mud. I smirk and look the Leah and Seth so they get the hint.

They stifle a laugh and move over right as I turn on the engine and the mud splashes all over them.

I turn it off laughing along with Leah and Seth as they stand there shocked.

I continue to laugh obnoxiously until I see Quil rub the dirt off his eyes and say " Oh it's on." The boys all smirked as the chased me so I ran.

I kept going until I reached the cliffs easily avoiding them in the greenery.

I stifle a laugh as they run by "Where did she go?" Paul shouts.

"I don't know spread out." Sam tells them like I'm some type of mission. Once they were done they met up at the edge of the lower part of the  cliffs and were wondering where I was.

I smiled and ran out but by time they noticed me I was already at the edge and jumped saying "Suckers!" I hit the water and swam up seeing them look down at me once again shocked so I shout.

"What, I thought it was cats who were afraid of water!" Next thing I know there all jumping in too.

For the next few hours we swam in the water messing around.

I giggle while floating watching the boys wrestle until I'm suddenly lifted up "Ahh!" I shout in surprise.

I look down now seeing I'm on Seth's shoulders and laugh loudly. "Don't drop me." I say holding tightly to his neck.

"Never!" He says quickly with a grin before we continue our much needed breather.

(3rd pov)

Meanwhile Bella and Jacob were walking together away from the town talking

"This is beautiful." She states at the view.

She looks back to Jacob "So Alice is throwing this huge graduation party, which your invited to." Bella tells him.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now