Battle Preparations

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It's a few days later and Edward is bringing Bella and I to a field where we are supposed to meet up with Jasper, Jacob, and Seth.

Were walking out of the house and Bella says " We're not just going to hide while you guys are out taking all of the risks." He sighs.

"If Victoria's involved I need to get you to as far away from the fight as possible." I shake my head saying "Jasper said that we could help." He looks to me and says "We won't need your help. With the wolves in this it will be an easy win. The rest of us aren't going to have enough to do." I sigh loudly getting annoyed with his relentlessness.

Bella says " Ok so either the fight is so bad we can't be near it or so easy your going to be sidelined, so which is it." I got tired of the conversation and walked ahead of them to his car getting inside to annoyed to hear more.

I want to be here and do what I can to help.

Bella gets in first and turns to me saying "Okay we have a plan." I nod.

" Alright what is it?" I ask.

"Edward, you, and myself will be close to the fight staying in the mountains camping out." I just nod knowing we're not changing his mind.

Edward hops in saying "Y/n, are you caught up?"

"Yep." I say popping the p.

He nods and we pull of to drive to the field.

We made it to the field and I see jasper waiting for us so I run up to hug him and he returns it. "Hey, Jas!" I say happily.

He chuckles "Hey little lassie." I smile while he ruffles my hair.

"So your not in the fight. Did you pull a muscle or something?" We hear a voice say.

I turn seeing Jake and Seth walking to us and meet them halfway and hug them both.

Jake smiles hugging me back and says "Hey, Y/n."

"Hey Jake." I say back and pull away.

I turn to Seth who has his usual giddy attitude as hug him tightly and pull away with a short kiss.

He grabs my hand and we walk closer to the others."He's doing it for me okay." Bella says defending Edward.

"Whatever. Just tell us the plan" Jake says motioning to himself and Seth already annoyed.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure them here with Y/n and Bella's scent. It needs to end here." Jasper explains.

"Edward, Y/n, and I are going to a campsite and even if he carries us they'll still pick up on our scent." Bella tells Jake and Seth.

"So...?" Seth asks not seeing where they come in.

Edward speaks up saying "Your stench however is revolting." Jacob scoffs.

"Dude. You really don't want to start comparing stinks." I decided to dumb it down for them and say "What he means is your scents will mask ours if you carry us." Jacob and Seth nod now understanding and say "Done." In sync.

Edward shakes his head and looks to Jasper saying "Its not a good idea."

"Edward, they won't want to get anywhere near their.... odor." Jasper says putting is nicely.

I wave Edward off "Okay let's just try it." I say walking to Seth who gladly picks me up and I smile.

Bella goes to Jacob and he picks her up also.

"Eau de wolf coming up." Jake says.

Edward who is clearly not happy with this says "Now run." Seth and Jacob oblige and we're off.

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